Dr. Yuanrun Zheng got his Bachelor, Master and Doctor Degree in Shanxi University (1990), Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS in 1993 and 1995 individually, worked as a post doctor in Institute of Botany, CAS from 1995-1997, then he began regular works in Institute of Botany, CAS in 1997. He has several years oversea research experience, worked in National Institute for Environmental Studies as an Eco-Frontier Fellow during 2001 to 2004, and as an associate guest professor in
Email.:Zhengyr@ibcas.ac.c Tel:86-10-62836508
Research Focus:
1) Collection, conservation and evaluation of resource plants distributed in subalpine zone;
2) Adaptation of Rhododendron plants to subalpine environment;
3) Cultivar innovation of resource plants distributed in subalpine zone innovation.
1. Lai, L.M., Zhao, X.C., Jiang, L.H., Wang, Y.J., Luo, L.G., Zheng, Y.R., Chen, X., Rimmington, G.M. 2012. Soil Respiration in different agricultural and natural ecosystems in an arid region. PLoS ONE 7(10): e48011. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048011.
2. Zheng, M.Q., Lai, L.M., Jiang, L.H., An, P., Yu, Y.J., Zheng, Y.R., Shimizu, H., Baskin, J.M., Baskin, C.C. 2012. Moderate water supply and partial sand burial increase relative growth rate of two Artemisia species in an inland sandy land. Journal of Arid Environments 85: 105-113.
3. Zheng, Y.R., Xie, Z.X., Roberts, C., An, P., Li, X.J., Zhou, G.S., Shimizu, H., Drake, S. 2011. Modeling seasonal evapotranspiration of arid lands in China. Hydrology Research 42(1): 40-49.
4. Jiang, L.H., Zheng, Y.R., Gao, Y., Rimmington, G.M. 2011. Prediction of aboveground net primary productivity and foliage projective cover in an arid area of China. Arid Land Research and Management 25(4): 351-367.
5. Lai, L.M., Zheng, Y.R., Bai, H., Yu, Y.J., An, P., Li, X.J., Rimmington, G.M., Shimizu, H. 2010. Strong light inhibits germination of Artemisia sphaerocephala and A. ordosica at low temperature and its relevance to revegetation in sandy lands of Inner Mongolia, China. Ecological Research 25(4): 771-780.
6. Zheng, Y.R., Xie, Z.X., Rimmington, G.M,Yu, Y.J., Gao, Y., Zhou, G.S., An, P., Li, X.J., Tsuji, W., Shimizu, H. 2010. Elevated CO2 accelerates net assimilation rate and enhance growth of dominant shrub species in a sand dune in central Inner Mongolia. Environmental and Experimental Botany 68:31-36.
7. Zheng, M.Q., Zheng, Y.R., Zhou, G.S., Wu,Y.Z., An, P., Baskin, C.C., Baskin, J.M. 2009. Effects of watering regime and depth of burial on seedling emergence of four dominant psammophytes in the Mu Us sandy land, Inner Mongolia, China, and relevance to revegetation of a desertified region. Annals of Applied Biology 154:87-96.
8. Zheng, Y.R., Rimmington, G.M., Xie, Z.X., Zhang, L., An, P., Zhou, G.S., Li, X.J., Yu, Y.J., Chen, L.J., Shimizu, H. 2008. Responses to air temperature and soil moisture of growth of four dominant species on sand dunes of central Inner Mongolia. Journal of Plant Research 121: 473-482.
9. Zheng, Y.R., Xie, Z.X., Jiang, L.H., Shimizu, H., Rimmington, G.M., Zhou, G.S. 2006. Vegetation responses along environmental gradients on the Ordos plateau, China. Ecological Research 21(3): 396-404.
10. Zheng, Y.R., Xie, Z.X., Jiang, L.H., Shimizu, H., Drake, S. 2006. Changes in Holdridge Life Zone diversity in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR) of China over the past forty years. Journal of Arid Environment 66(1): 113-126.
11. Zheng, Y.R., Xie, Z.X., Robert, C., Jiang, L.H., Shimizu, H. 2006. Did climate drive ecosystem change and induce desertification in Otindag sandy land, China over the past 40 years? Journal of Arid Environment 64(3): 523-541.
12. Zheng, Y.R., Xie, Z.X., Yu, Y., Jiang, L.H., Shimizu, H., Rimmington, G.M. 2005. Effects of burial in sand and water supply regime on seedling emergence of six species. Annals of Botany 95(7): 1237-1245.
13. Zheng, Y.R., Xie, Z.X., Gao, Y., Jiang, L.H., Xing, X.R., Shimizu, H., Rimmington, G.M. 2005. Effects of light, temperature and water stress on germination of Artemisia sphaerocephala. Annals of Applied Biology 146(3): 327-335.
14. Zheng, Y.R., Rimmington, G.M., Gao, Y., Jiang, L.H., Xing, X.R., An, P., El-Sidding, K., Shimizu, H. 2005. Germination characteristics of Artemisia ordosica (Asteraceae) in relation to ecological restoration in northern China. Canadian Journal of Botany 83(8): 1021-1028.
15. Zheng, Y.R., Xie, Z.X., Gao, Y., Yu, Y.J., Shimizu, H. 2005. Influence of light, temperature and water stress on germination of Hedysarum fruticosum. South African Journal of Botany 71(2): 167-172.
16. Zheng, Y.R., Xie, Z.X., Jiang, L.H., Wu, Y.Z., Shimizu, H. 2005. Model simulation and comparison of the ecological characteristics of three degraded grassland types in China. Belgian Journal of Botany 138(2): 109-118.
17. Zheng, Y.R., Gao, Y., Ping An., Shimizu, H., Rimmington, G.M. 2004. Germination characteristics of Agriophyllum squarrosum. Canadian Journal of Botany 82(11): 1662-1670.
18. Zheng, Y.R., Xie, Z.X., Gao, Y., Jiang, L.H., Shimizu, H., Tobe, K. 2004. Germination responses of Caragana korshinskii Kom. To light, temperature and water stress. Ecological Research 19(5): 553-558.
19. Zheng, Y.R., Xie, Z.X., Gao, Y., Shimizu, H., Jiang, L.H., Yu, Y. 2003. Ecological restoration in northern china: germination characteristics of 9 key species in relation to air seeding. Belgian Journal of Botany 136(2): 129-138.
20. Li, G.Q., Zheng, Y.R. 2002. The characteristics of regional climate change and pattern analysis on Ordos Plateau. Journal of Environmental Sciences 14(4): 568-675.