Shihua Shen, PhD, Professor. Principal Investigator. Academic awards: 1983 B. Ag, South-western University, China;
Email: shshen@ibcas.ac.cn?????????? Tel: 86-10-62836545
Research Focus:
His group is interested in identifying protein and gene changes in response to environmental stresses and to integrate the data into regulative networks in response to the stresses, and research and development activities and industrialization of resource plants. Since 2002, 10 patents have been obtained and more than 60 articles have been published, with 50 articles Indexed by SCI and 40 articles as the ?rst or corresponding author.
1. Isolation and functional characterization of the genes resistant to stress.
2. Proteomic analysis of plant responses to stress.
3. R & D biotechnology and industrialization of resource plant.
Yang J, Yang MF, Wang D, Chen F*, Shen SH*. 2010. JcDof1, a Dof transcription factor gene, is associated with the light-mediated circadian clock in Jatropha curcas. Physiologia Plantarum, 139: 324-334.
Chi F, Yang PF, Han F, Jing YX*, Shen SH*. 2010. Proteomic analysis of rice seedlings infected by Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021. Proteomics, 10:1861-1874.
Wang XQ, Yang PF, Liu Z, Xu YN, Kuang TY, Shen SH*, He YK*. 2009. Proteomic analysis of the cold stress response in the moss, Physcomitrella patens. Proteomics, 9:4529-4538.
Yang MF, Liu YJ, Liu Y, Chen H*, Chen F, Shen SH*. 2009. Proteomic analysis of oil mobilization in seed germination and postgermination development of Jatropha curcas. Journal of Proteome Research, 8: 1441-1451.
Yang PF, Chen H, Liang Y, Shen SH*. 2007. Proteomic analysis of de-etiolated rice seedlings upon exposure to light. Proteomics, 7: 2459-2468.