李博强 研究组果实逆境应答及生物控制技术创新研究组

研究组长 李博强 研究员,博士生导师
主持国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金1项,国际合作项目1项,面上项目3项,青年基金1项,国家重点研发计划课题1项、子课题2项,中国科学院重点部署项目课题1项。发表论文90余篇,累计引用3000余次。其中,以通讯作者和第一作者(含并列)在Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety、New Phytologist、Food Chemistry、Environmental Microbiology、Postharvest Biology and Technology、Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction等期刊发表SCI论文24篇;获得省部级奖励8项;获得授权国家发明专利15项。担任Postharvest Biology and Technology、Biological Control、Horticulturae、未来食品科学、微生物学报等学术期刊的编委及科技智库期刊《中国科学院院刊》首届青年编委。
联系方式: E-mail: bqli@ibcas.ac.cn; 电话: 010-62836900
1. 采后病原真菌致病与产毒的分子基础及调控机制
针对果蔬采后腐烂和真菌毒素污染严重等重大产业难题,围绕果蔬产品“优质、安全”的关键科学问题,以果实采后重要致病真菌Botrytis cinerea和Penicillium expansum为模式材料解析病原真菌致病和产毒分子机制,同时开展果蔬采后病害绿色防控和真菌毒素生物消减技术的研发及应用工作。
2. 果实对病原菌抗性应答的分子机制:
研究组成员 E-mail
陈 彤 研究员 chentong@ibcas.ac.cn
徐 勇 高级实验师 xuyong@ibcas.ac.cn
陈 勇 副研究员 chenyong@ibcas.ac.cn
1. Xu XD#, Chen Y#, Li BQ, Zhang ZQ, Qin GZ, Chen T*, Tian SP*. 2022. Molecular mechanisms underlying multi-level defense responses of horticultural crops to fungal pathogens. Horticulture Research, 10.1093/hr/uhac066.
2. Zhang ZQ#, Liu T#, Xu Y, Chen Y, Chen T, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2022. Sodium pyrosulfite inhibits the pathogenicity of Botrytis cinerea by interfering with antioxidant system and sulfur metabolism pathway. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 189, 111936.
3. Chen Y, Zhang ZQ, Tian SP, Li BQ*. 2022. Application of -omic technologies in postharvest pathology: Recent advances and perspectives. Current Opinion in Food Science. 45, 100820.
4. Li BQ, Chen Y, Tian SP*. 2022. Function of pH-dependent transcription factor PacC in regulating development, pathogenicity, and mycotoxin biosynthesis of phytopathogenic fungi. The FEBS Journal. 289, 1723-1730.
5. Li GJ#, Wang Y#, Zhang ZQ, Chen Y, Tian SP*. 2022. Mushroom alcohol controls gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea in harvested fruit via activating the genes involved in jasmonic acid signaling pathway. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 186, 111843.
6. Wang Y#, Li G#, Chen T, Tian S*. 2022. Protein sulfenylation contributes to oxidative burst-triggered responses during the interaction between Botrytis cinerea and Nicotiana benthamiana. Journal of Proteomics. 251, 104423.
7. Zhuo RL, Li BQ*, Tian SP. 2022. Alginate oligosaccharide improves resistance to postharvest decay and quality in kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa cv. Bruno). Horticultural Plant Journal. 8, 44-52.
8. Xing MY, Chen Y, Li BQ*, Tian SP*. 2021, Highly Efficient removal of patulin using immobilized enzymes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa TF-06 entrapped in calcium alginate beads. Food Chemistry. 377, 131973.
9. Xu XD, Chen Y, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2021. Arginine methyltransferase PeRmtC regulates development and pathogenicity of Penicillium expansum via mediating key genes in conidiation and secondary metabolism. Journal of Fungi. 7, 807.
10. Zhang ZQ#, He C#, Chen Y, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2021. DNA methyltransferases regulate pathogenicity of Botrytis cinerea to horticultural crops. Journal of Fungi. 7, 659.
11. Chen T, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2021. Molecular basis for optimizing sugar metabolism and transport during fruit development. aBIOTECH. 2: 330–340.
12. Chen T, Ji DC, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2021. Advances and strategies for controlling the quality and safety of postharvest fruit. Engineering. 7, 1177-1184.
13. Xing MY, Chen Y, Li BQ*, Tian SP*. 2021. Characterization of a short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase and its function in patulin biodegradation in apple juice. Food Chemistry. 348, 129046.
14. Liu XY, Cui XM, Ji DC, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2021. Luteolin-induced activation of phenylpropanoid metabolic pathway contributes to quality maintenance and disease resistance of sweet cheery. Food Chemistry. 342, 128309.
15. Sun YY#, Wang Y#, Xu Y, Chen T, Li BQ, Zhang ZQ*, Tian SP. 2021. Application and mechanism of benzyl-isothiocyanate, a natural antimicrobial agent from cruciferous vegetables, in controlling postharvest decay of strawberry. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 180, 111604.
16. Cui XM#, Ma DY#, Liu XY, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2021. Magnolol inhibits gray mold on postharvest fruit by inducing autophagic activity of Botrytis cinerea. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 180, 111596.
17. Chen Y, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ*, Tian SP*. 2021. PeMetR-mediated sulphur assimilation is essential for virulence and patulin biosynthesis in Penicillium expansum. Environmental Microbiology. 23, 5555–5568.
18. Xia YX, Zhuo RL, Li BQ*, Tian SP. 2021. Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene on disease resistance of red-fleshed kiwifruit during long-term cold storage and the possible mechanisms. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science. 49, 182–195.
20. Li BQ, Chen Y, Zhang ZQ, Qin GZ, Chen T, Tian SP*. 2020. Molecular basis and regulation of pathogenicity and patulin biosynthesis in Penicillium expansum. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 19, 3416-3438.
21. Chen T#, Qin GZ#, Tian SP*. 2020. Regulatory network of fruit ripening: current understandings and future challenges. New Phytologist. 228, 1219-1226.
22. Cai JH#, Chen T#, Wang Y, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2020. SlREM1 triggers cell death by activating an oxidative burst and other regulators. Plant Physiology. 183, 717-732.
23. Ji DC, Cui XM, Qin GZ, Chen T*, Tian SP*. 2020. SlFERL interacts with S-adenosylmethionine synthetase to regulate fruit ripening. Plant Physiology. 184, 2168-2181.
24. Zhang ZQ, Chen Y, Li BQ, Chen T, Tian SP*. 2020. Reactive oxygen species, a key factor to regulate development and pathogenicity of phytopathogenic fungi. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 18, 3344-3349.
25. Li H#, Zhang ZQ#, Qin GZ, He C, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2020. Actin is required for cellular development and virulence of Botrytis cinerea via mediation of secretory proteins. mSystems. 5, e00732-19.
26. Wang Y, Liu XY, Chen T, Xu Y, Tian SP*. 2020. Antifungal effects of hinokitiol on development of Botrytis cinerea in vitro and in vivo. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 159, 111038.
27. Liu XY, Ji DC, Cui XM, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2020. p-Coumaric acid induces antioxidant capacity and defense responses of sweet cherry fruit to fungal pathogens. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 169, 111297.
28. Ma DY, Ji DC, Liu JL, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2020. Efficacy of methyl thujate in inhibiting Penicillium expansum growth and possible mechanism involved. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 161, 111070.
29. Ji DC, Chen T, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2020. Versatile roles of the receptor-like kinase FERONIA in plant growth, development and host-pathogen interaction. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21, 7881.
30. Zhang XK, Li BQ, Zhang ZQ, Chen Y, Tian SP*. 2020. Antagonistic yeasts, a promising alternative to chemical fungicides for controlling postharvest decay of fruit. Journal of Fungi. 6, 158.
31. Ma DY, Cui XM, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Xu Y, Tian SP, Chen T*. 2020. Honokiol suppresses mycelial growth and reduces virulence of Botrytis cinerea by inducing autophagic activities and apoptosis. Food Microbiology. 88, 103411.
32. Liu XY, Li JK, Cui XM, Ji DC, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2020. Exogenous bamboo pyroligneous acid improves antioxidant capacity and primes defense responses of harvested apple and grape fruit. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 134, 110191.
33. Xing MY#, Li BQ#, Chen Y, Tian SP*. 2020. Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase plays an important role in patulin degradation by Enterobacter cloacae subsp. Dissolvens. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 68, 5232-5240.
34. He C, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2020. The pattern and function of DNA methylation in fungal plant pathogens. Microorganisms. 8, 227.
35. Li GJ, Chen T, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2020. Roles of aquaporins in plant-pathogen interaction. Plants (Basel). 9, 1134.
36. Zhou LL, Tian SP*, Qin GZ*. 2019. RNA methylomes reveal the m6A-mediated regulation of DNA demethylase gene in tomato fruit ripening. Genome Biology. 20, 156.
37. Li BQ#, Chen Y#, Zong YY, Shang YJ, Zhang ZQ, Xu XD, Wang X, Long MY, Tian SP*. 2019. Dissection of patulin biosynthesis, spatial control and regulation mechanism in Penicillium expansum. Environmental Microbiology. 21, 1124-1139.
38. Cai JH, Chen T, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2019. Metabolic dynamics during loquat fruit ripening and postharvest technologies. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10, 619.
39. He C, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Xu Y, Tian SP*. 2019. Effect of natamycin on Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium expansum-Postharvest pathogens of grape berries and jujube fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 151, 134-141.
40. Li H, He C, Li GJ, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2019. The modes of action of epsilon-polylysine (ε-PL) against Botrytis cinerea in jujube fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology.147, 1-9.
41. Ma DY, Ji DC, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2019. Efficacy of rapamycin in modulating autophagic activity of Botrytis cinerea for controlling gray mold. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 150, 158-165.
42. Fu MR, Zhang XM, Jin T, Li BQ, Zhang ZQ, Tian SP*. 2019. Inhibitory of grey mold on green pepper and winter jujube by chlorine dioxide (ClO2) fumigation and its mechanisms. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 100, 335-340.
43. Li H, Tian SP, Qin GZ*. 2019. NADPH oxidase is crucial for the cellular redox homeostasis in fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 32, 1508-1516.
44. Wang Y, Ji DC, Chen T, Li BQ, Zhang ZQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2019. Production, signaling and scavenging mechanisms for reactive oxygen species in fruit-pathogen interactions. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20, 2994.
45. Cai JH#, Qin GZ#, Chen T, Tian SP*. 2018. The mode of action of remorin1 to regulate fruit ripening at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. New Phytologist. 219, 1406-1420.
47. Cai JH, Wang PW, Tian SP, Qin GZ*. 2018. Quantitative proteomic analysis reveals the involvement of mitochondrial proteins in fruit ripening. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 145, 213-221.
48. Ji DC#, Chen T#, Ma DY, Liu JL, Xu Y, Tian SP*. 2018. Inhibitory effects of methyl thujate on mycelial growth of Botrytis cinerea and possible mechanisms of action. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 142, 46-54.
49. Chen T#, Ji DC#, Tian SP*. 2018. Variable-angle epifluorescence microscopy characterizes protein dynamics in the vicinity of plasma membrane in plant cells. BMC Plant Biology. 18, 43.
50. Ma DY, Xu Y, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2018. Efficacy of ABA-mimicking ligands in controlling water loss and maintaining antioxidative capacity of Spinacia oleracea. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 66, 13397-13404.
51. Li H, Chen Y, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2018. Pathogenic mechanisms and control strategies of Botrytis cinerea causing postharvest decay in fresh horticultural crops. Food Quality and Safety. 3, 111-119.
1. 田世平,张占全,李博强,陈彤,Bccys6-2蛋白在调控灰霉菌的生长、分生孢子生成和致病能力中的应用, 2022年4月26日授权,专利号:ZL201911131825.6
2. 田世平,李博强,张占全,降解棒曲霉素的蛋白及其相关生物材料和应用, 2021年7月27日授权,专利号:ZL201911147230.X
3. 田世平,李江阔,张鹏,陈彤,李博强,张占全,一种苹果保脆防腐的绿色精准保鲜方法及其应用, 2021年5月11日授权,专利号:ZL201711303291.1
4. 田世平,张占全,李博强,何畅,Bcdmt2蛋白质及其编码基因在调控灰霉菌致病力与分生孢子产生中的应用,2021年4月16日授权,专利号,ZL201811432903.1
5. 李博强,田世平,张占全,徐勇,降解棒曲霉素的TF-06细菌及其应用,2020年10月2日授权,专利号:ZL201811391247.5
6. 田世平,李博强,张占全,徐勇,降解patulin的TT-09细菌及其应用,2020年9月18日授权,专利号:ZL201811391252.6
7. 田世平,李博强,张占全,徐勇,Luria-Bertani培养基在降解patulin中的应用,2020年7月14日授权,专利号:ZL201811390665.2
8. 田世平,李博强,张占全,一种降解棒曲霉素的蛋白及其编码基因与应用,2019年8月2日授权,专利号:ZL201610680160.4
9. 田世平,陈彤,秦国政,徐勇,一种植物组织的显微观察方法,2019年4月16日授权,专利号:ZL201611138800.5
10. 田世平,陈彤,秦国政,徐勇,一种分离番茄果实原生质体的方法2019年9月6日授权,专利号:ZL201611142226.0
11. 田世平,陈彤,秦国政,徐勇,一种防治果实采后灰霉病害的制剂,2019年8月20日授权,专利号:ZL201711039600.9
12. 田世平,秦国政,王豫颖,一种变性抗原亲和纯化抗体方法,2018年10月16日授权,专利号:ZL201510320920.6
13. 田世平,李博强,徐勇,尚艳娇,一种鲜食核桃的贮藏保鲜方法,2016年8月24日授权,专利号:ZL201410432843.9
14. 田世平,张占全,刘瑞玲,徐勇,李博强,秦国政,一种贮藏油梨采后果实的方法,2016年4月27日授权,专利号:ZL20140176135.3
15. 田世平,张占全,秦国政,李博强,徐勇,一种葡萄保鲜的方法,2016年1月13日授权,专利号:ZL201410176186.6
16. 秦国政,田世平,徐勇,李博强,一种壶瓶枣采前病害的防治液及其应用,2014年11月5日授权,专利号:ZL201313183476.X
17. 田世平,李博强,徐勇,夏永秀,一种红肉猕猴桃的保鲜方法, 2014年9月10日授权,专利号:ZL201310189178.0
18. 田世平,李博强,秦国政,徐勇,宗元元,季也蒙假丝酵母菌株在清除棒曲霉素中的应用,2013年9月25日授权,专利号:ZL201210045426.X
19. 田世平,张长峰,桃的贮藏保鲜方法,2012年8月22日授权,专利号:ZL200910237866.3
20. 田世平,秦国政,陈奇凌,徐勇,葡萄果实采后病害和脱粒的防治方法和专用保护剂,2011年6月23日授权,专利号:ZL200910078858.9
21. 田世平,孟祥红,徐勇,一种氨基多糖和/或寡糖保鲜剂及其制备方法”, 2011年1月26日授权,专利号:ZL200810114819.5
22. 田世平, 王友升, 徐勇,一种酵母拮抗菌的培养方法及其专用培养基,2008年2月13日授权,专利号:ZL200510090063.1
23. 田世平, 王友升,一种酵母拮抗菌的培养方法及其专用培养基, 2008年2月13日授权,专利号:ZL200510103029.3
24. 田世平、 王友升、徐勇,酵母拮抗菌罗伦隐球酵母的真空冷冻干燥制品及其制备方法,2007年12月5日授权,专利号:ZL200510090065.0
25. 田世平, 秦国政, 徐勇,枇杷果实的贮藏保鲜方法,2007年6月20日授权,专利号:ZL200510069381.X
26. 田世平, 郑小林,一种水果保鲜的方法,2007年1月17日授权,专利号:ZL200410090657.8
27. 田世平, 王友升,酵母拮抗菌的真空冷冻干燥制品及其制备方法,2007年10月24日授权,专利号:ZL200510103030.6
28. 田世平, 秦国政,范青,一种防治果蔬采后病害的生物杀菌剂及其专用菌株,2006年10月18日授权,专利号:ZL200410034028.3
29. 田世平,秦国政,用硅酸钠或硅酸钾防治果蔬采后病害的方法以及果蔬采后病害防治液,2006年3月29日授权,专利号:ZL200310115337.9
1. 果实采后绿色防病保鲜关键技术的创制及应用,2013年国家科学发明奖二等奖。获奖人及排名:田世平、蒋跃明、秦国政、郜海燕、孟祥红、郑小林。
2. 中国科学院果实采后生物学及调控技术创新团队,2021年神农中华农业科技奖优秀创新团队奖。获奖人及排名:田世平,秦国政,李博强,张占全,徐勇,陈彤,王豫颖,王威浩,毕阳,孟祥红,陈勇,李江阔。
3. 果实成熟衰老与品质保持的分子机制,2016年北京市科学技术二等奖。获奖人及排名:田世平、秦国政、李博强、王豫颖、张占全、陈彤、徐勇、姚红杰、王清、王友升。
4. 我国北方果蔬主要采后病原真菌致病、产毒及诱抗机制,2020年甘肃省自然科学奖二等奖。获奖人及排名:毕阳,田世平,薛华丽,李博强,孟祥红。
5. 苹果采后质量控制关键技术创制及产业化集成应用,2019年陕西省科技进步奖二等奖。获奖人及排名:任小林,田世平,李江阔,张海辉,李博强,马丽红,秦国政,赵娟,杨洋。