
报告题目: Grapevine root : shedding some light on the dark side
报 告 人:Philippe Vivin ,葡萄生态生理与功能基因组学实验室副主任
                    法国农科院, 波尔多葡萄与葡萄酒研究所
时    间:2018年9月21日(星期五)上午10:00
地    点:新实验楼W201会议室
联 系 人:梁振昌 研究员 (Tel: 6064)
        Philippe Vivin obtained his PhD degree in 1995 on tree physiology from University of Nancy (France) and then he made two post-docs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and University of Nevada (USA) from 1996 to 1997, all about the effect of CO2 enrichment on tree growth. Since 1998, he worked as a scientist at French Institute for Agronomy Research, and from 2007 he served as the deputy director of the joint research unit of Ecophysiology and Functional Genomics of Grapevine (EGFV). His main research activities are grapevine ecophysiology, plant modelling, fruit quality, rootstock/scion interaction, biomass allocation, source-sink relationships. He published 30 sci papers in peer-reviewed journals, such as Plant Cell and Environment, Tree Physiology, Journal of Experimental Botany.

