徐文忠 副研究员 硕士生导师
1974年2月生于湖南城步县,1996年在湖南农业大学茶学系获学士学位,1999年在中国农业大学生物学院植物生理生化系获硕士学位,2003年在中国科学院植物研究所获博士学位。2013年10月至2014年10月美国佛罗里达国际大学Dr. Barry P. Rosen教授实验室访问学者。2003年至今:中国科学院植物研究所研究实习员、助理研究员、副研究员。
- Haixia Zhao, Liangsheng Wang, Fang-Jie Zhao, Longhua Wu, Anna Liu, Wenzhong Xu*. SpHMA1 is a chloroplast cadmium exporter protecting photochemical reactions in the Cd hyperaccumulator Sedum plumbizincicola. Plant, Cell & Environment, 2019, 42:1112-1124.
- Dandan Yin, Shanshan Li, Qingyan Shu, Zhaoyu Gu, Qian Wu, Chengyong Feng, Wenzhong Xu*, Liangsheng Wang*. Identification of microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs involved in fatty acid biosynthesis in tree peony seeds. Gene, 2018, 5; 666:72-82.
- Dandan Yin, Wenzhong Xu, Qingyan Shu, Shanshan Li*, Qian Wu, Chengyong Feng, Zhaoyu Gu, Liangsheng Wang*. Fatty acid desaturase 3 (PsFAD3) from Paeonia suffruticosa reveals high α-linolenic acid accumulation. Plant Science, 2018, 274: 212-222.
- 尹丹丹、李珊珊、吴倩、冯成庸、李冰、王倩玉、王亮生*、徐文忠*. 我国6种主要木本油料作物的研究进展. 植物学报,2018, 53(1): 110-125.
- Qian Wu, Pengcheng Li, Huijin Zhang, Chengyong Feng, Shanshan Li*, Dandan Yin, Jie Tian, Wenzhong Xu, Liangsheng Wang*. Relationship between the flavonoid composition and flower colour variation in Victoria. Plant Biol (Stuttg), 2018, 20(4): 674-681.
- Huan Liu, Haixia Zhao, Longhua Wu, Anna Liu, Fang-Jie Zhao, Wenzhong Xu*. Heavy metal ATPase 3 (HMA3) confers cadmium hypertolerance on the cadmium/zinc hyperaccumulator Sedum plumbizincicola. New Phytologist, 2017, 215(2): 687-698.
- Huan Liu, Haixia Zhao, Longhua Wu*, Wenzhong Xu*. A genetic transformation method for cadmium hyperaccumulator Sedum plumbizincicola and non-hyperaccumulating ecotype of Sedum alfredii. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:1047.
- Bo Wang†, Hong Du†, Zhennan Zhang, Wenzhong Xu*, Xin Deng*. BhbZIP60 from Resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica is an mRNA splicing-activated endoplasmic reticulum stress regulator involved in drought tolerance. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:245.
- Dongmei Li, Zhenpeng Guo*, Cuimei Liu, Jincheng Li, Wenzhong Xu, Yi Chen*. Quantification of near-attomole gibberellins in floral organs dissected from a single Arabidopsis thaliana flower. Plant Journal, 2017, 91(3):547-557.
- Hongmei Xi, Hua Xu, Wenxiu Xu, Zhenyan He, Wenzhong Xu*, Mi Ma*. A SAL1 loss-of-function Arabidopsis mutant exhibits enhanced cadmium tolerance in association with alleviation of endoplasmic reticulum stress. Plant & Cell Physiology, 2016, 57(6): 1210–1219.
- Yangyang Sun†, Wenzhong Xu†(co-first author), Li Wu, Ruozhong Wang, Zhenyan He, Mi Ma*. An Arabidopsis mutant of inositol pentakisphosphate 2-kinase AtIPK1 displays reduced arsenate tolerance. Plant, Cell & Environment, 2016, 39: 416-426.
- Zhuoya Zhao†, Zenan Xing†, Min Zhou, Yi Chen, Chenzhong Li, Ruozhong Wang, Wenzhong Xu*, Mi Ma. Functional analysis of synthetic DELLA domain peptides and bioactive gibberellin assay using surface plasmon resonance technology. Talanta, 2015, 144: 502–509.
- Hui Dong, Wenzhong Xu, Jitesh K. Pillai, Charles Packianathan, Barry P. Rosen*. High-throughput screening-compatible assays of As(III) S-adenosylmethionine methyltransferase activity. Analytical Biochemistry, 2015, 480:67-73.
- Wenzhong Xu†, Wentao Dai†, Huili Yan, Sheng Li, Hongling Shen, Yanshan Chen, Hua Xu, Yangyang Sun, Zhenyan He, Mi Ma*. Arabidopsis NIP3;1 plays an important role in arsenic uptake and root-to-shoot translocation under arsenite stress conditions. Molecular Plant, 2015, 8(5):722-33.
- Zhuoya Zhao, Yanshan Chen, Wenzhong Xu*, Mi Ma. Surface plasmon resonance detection of transgenic Cry1Ac cotton (Gossypium spp.). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61(12):2964-2969.
- Yanshan Chen†, Wenzhong Xu† (co-first author), Hongling Shen, Huili Yan, Wenxiu Xu, Zhenyan He, Mi Ma*. Engineering arsenic tolerance and hyperaccumulation in plants for phytoremediation by a PvACR3 transgenic approach. Environmental Science & Technology,2013, 47 (16): 9355–9362
- Hua Xu†, Wenzhong Xu†(co-first author), Hongmei Xi, Wenwen Ma, Zhenyan He, Mi Ma*. The ER luminal binding protein (BiP) alleviates Cd2%2b-induced programmed cell death through endoplasmic reticulum stress–cell death signaling pathway in tobacco cells. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2013, 170 (16): 1434–1441.
- 吴俐、王若仲、徐文忠*. 拟南芥中myo-肌醇-多磷酸合成与代谢及其信号. 植物学报, 2013. 48 (1): 94–106.
- Jiangbo Guo, Wenzhong Xu, Mi Ma*. The assembly of metals chelation by thiols and vacuolar compartmentalization conferred increased tolerance to and accumulation of cadmium and arsenic in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012. 199-200: 309-313.
- 刘安娜、腾瑶、徐文忠*、麻密. 一个编码含VQ 模序蛋白的基因AtARVQ1参与拟南芥对砷酸盐的响应调控. 科学通报, 2011.56(23):1891-1898.
- Yao Teng, Wenzhong Xu*, Mi Ma. cGMP is required for seed germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2010, 167(11):885-9.
- Beibei Li†, Wenzhong Xu†(co-first author), Yunyuan Xu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Tai Wang, Yue Bai, Chenggui Han, Aimin Zhang, Zhihong Xu and Kang Chong*. Integrative study on proteomics, molecular physiology, and genetics reveals an accumulation of cyclophilin-like protein, TaCYP20-2, leading to an increase of Rht protein and dwarf in a novel GA-insensitive mutant (gaid) in Wheat. Journal of Proteome Research, 2010, 9(8):4242-53.
- Wenwen Ma†, Wenzhong Xu†(co-first author), Hua Xu, Yanshan Chen, Zhenyan He, Mi Ma*. Nitric oxide modulates cadmium influx during cadmium-induced programmed cell death in tobacco BY-2 cells. Planta, 2010, 232(2):325-35.
- Xuexi Yang, Hui Chen, Xiaojing Dai, Wenzhong Xu, Zhenyan He and Mi Ma*. Evidence of vacuolar compartmentalization of arsenic in the hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata. Chinese Science Bulletin 2009, 54(22): 4229-4233.
- Jiangbo Guo, Xiaojing Dai, Wenzhong Xu, Mi Ma*. Overexpressing GSH1 and AsPCS1 simultaneously increases the tolerance and accumulation of cadmium and arsenic in Arabidopsis thaliana. Chemosphere 2008, 72: 1020-1026.
- Yongqiang Zheng, Xiaojing Dai, Lei Wang, Wenzhong Xu, Zhenyan He, Mi Ma*. Arsenate reduces copper phytotoxicity in gametophytes of Pteris vittata. Journal of Plant Physiology 2008, 165: 1906-1916.
- Yongqiang Zheng, Wenzhong Xu, Zhenyan He, Mi Ma*. Plant regeneration of the arsenic hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L. from spores and identification of its tolerance and accumulation of arsenic and copper. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 2008, 30: 249-255.
- Xuexi Yang, Hui Chen, Wenzhong Xu, Zhenyan He, Mi Ma*. Hyperaccumulation of arsenic by callus, sporophytes and gametophytes of Pteris vittata cultured in vitro. Plant Cell Reports 2007, 26: 1889-1897
- Jiangchuan Li, Jiangbo Guo, Wenzhong Xu, Mi Ma*. RNAi-mediated silencing of phytochelatin synthase gene reduce cadmium accumulation in rice seeds. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2007, 49: 1032-1037.
- Haiyan Zhang, Wenzhong Xu, Wentao Dai, Zhenyan He, Mi Ma*. Functional characterization of cadmium-responsive garlic gene AsMT2b: a new member of metallothionein family. Chinese Science Bulletin 2006, 51: 409-416.
- Jiangchuan Li, Jiangbo Guo, Wenzhong Xu, Haiyan Zhang, Mi Ma*. Enhanced cadmium accumulation in transgenic tobacco expressing the phytochelatin synthase gene of Cynodon dactylon. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2006, 48: 928-937.
- 詹宝、徐文忠、麻密*. 砷超富集植物蜈蚣草原生质体的分离及其抗砷性分析. 植物学通报 2006, 23(4): 363-367.
- Haiyan Zhang, Wenzhong Xu, Jiangbo Guo, Zhenyan He, Mi Ma*. Coordinated responses of phytochelatins and metallothioneins to heavy metals in garlic seedlings. Plant Science 2005, 169: 1059-1065.
- 徐文忠、雍伟东、徐云远、梁铁兵、白薇、种康*、谭克辉、许智宏、朱至清. 利用反义基因技术分析春化相关基因VER17在小麦花发育和开花中的功能. 植物生理与分子生物学学报 2005, 31: 71-77.
- 孙振元*,徐文忠,赵梁军,刘淑兰. 高pH值和铁素对毛白杜鹃和迎红杜鹃根系Fe3%2b还原酶活性的影响. 核农学报 2005, 19(6): 456-460.
- Wenzhong Xu, Xin Wang, Qi Feng, Lei Zhang, Yaoguang Liu, Bin Han, Kang Chong*, Zhihong Xu, Kehui Tan. The VER2 promoter contains repeated sequences and requires vernalization for its activity in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Chinese Science Bulletin 2004, 49: 355-362.
- Xin Wang, Wenzhong Xu, Yunyuan Xu, Kang Chong*, Zhihong Xu, Guixian Xia. Wheat RAN1, a nuclear small G protein, is involved in regulation of cell division in yeast. Plant Science 2004, 167: 1183-1190.
- Weidong Yong, Yunyuan Xu, Wenzhong Xu, Ning Li, Jinsong Wu, Tiebing Liang, Kang Chong*, Zhihong Xu, Kehui Tan. Functional analysis of the VER2 gene, related to vernalization during floral development in winter wheat. Planta 2003, 217: 261-270.
- 孙振元*、徐文忠、刘淑兰、赵梁军. 毛白杜鹃耐碱突变体的离体筛选与鉴定. 中南林学院学报 2003, 23(5):53-55.
- Shiqian Jia, Weidong Yong, Wenzhong Xu, Yunyuan Xu, Jingsong Wu, Kang Chong*, Kehui Tan, Zhihong Xu. Existence of homologous sequences corresponding to cDNA of the ver gene in diverse higher plant species. Cell Research 2001, 11(4):265-271.
1. 徐文忠,麻密,赵卓亚. 一种定性定量检测植物激素活性赤霉素的方法及其专用芯片. 专利号: ZL201310381641.1.
2. 徐文忠,麻密,陈焱山. PvARRP1蛋白及其编码基因在砷转运解毒和积累中的应用. 申请号:201210394041.4, 公开号:CN102899348A.
3. 麻密,徐文忠,赵卓亚. 一种检测植物中目标蛋白的方法及其专用SPR生物传感器. 专利号:ZL201110081230.1.
4. 麻密,赵卓亚,徐文忠. 一种检测植物中目标基因的方法及其专用SPR生物传感器.申请号: 201110100899.0, 公开号:CN102181555A
5. 徐文忠,麻密,戴晓静,孙洋洋,何振艳. 一种与砷响应相关的调控片段及其应用. 专利号: ZL201010128600.8.
6. 何振艳,麻密,徐文忠,陈宏林. 一种植物砷抗性相关的蛋白及其编码基因与应用. 专利号: ZL 201010116397.2
7. 孙振元,徐文忠,赵梁军,巨关升,韩 蕾,杨学军. 一种迎红杜鹃组培快繁和移栽方法. 专利号: ZL 200510090496.7
8. 麻密,何振艳,徐文忠,杨学习. 一种蜈蚣草ABC转运蛋白及其编码基因与应用. 专利号: ZL200410080857.5.
9. 麻密,李江川,郭江波,徐文忠,何振艳. 一种培育低重金属积累植物的方法. 专利号: ZL200410096858.9.
10. 种康,徐文忠,王昕,韩斌,徐云远,谭克辉,许智宏. 小麦VER2基因启动子. 专利号: ZL200410000680.3.
11. 种康,雍伟东,徐云远,徐文忠,梁铁兵,鲍时来,许智宏,谭克辉. 一种与春化作用相关的可控制小麦花期的基因. 专利号: ZL00136714.5.
徐文忠、张海燕、刘俊祥. 重金属对药用植物品质形成的影响. 主编:卢善发,《药用植物品质生物学》,科学出版社,2019: p73-96.
谭克辉,徐文忠,种康. 高等植物个体发育的调控. 主编:叶和春,《探索绿色世界》,山东画报出版社,2001:p219-246.