孙美玉    副研究员   硕士生导师






2006年于山东农业大学农学院获得农学学士学位,2013年于中国农业科学院油料研究所获得农学博士学位。2015年于中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所博士后出站。从事重要资源植物的基因资源挖掘与分子育种研究,主持中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项子子课题1项,国家自然科学基金青年基金1项,博士后科学基金面上项目1项。在Plant CommunicationsHorticulture ResearchFood Research InternationalEnvironmental and Experimental BotanyPlant and Cell PhysiologyBMC Plant BiologySCI刊物发表论文21篇,其中以通讯作者(含共同)或第一作者(含并列)发表论文10篇,获国家发明专利2项。


1. 重要资源植物主要成分合成调控机制解析及其关键基因资源挖掘

2. 重要资源植物遗传连锁群体构建、关键性状QTLs定位及其分子育种


1.  中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项子子课题, 高值特色芳香植物快繁技术集成与示范, 2019.01-2023.12, 80万元, 在研, 主持.

2.  国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 高粱糖分相关基因共表达网络分析及甜高粱蔗糖代谢关键基因验证, 2015.01-2017.12, 22万元, 已结题, 主持

3.  博士后科学基金面上项目, 高粱糖分相关WGCNA分析及甜高粱蔗糖代谢关键基因验证, 2014.05-2015.04, 5万元, 已结题, 主持.

4.  中国科学院全球共性挑战专项项目, 芳香植物产业转化的共性技术合作, 2023.01-2025.12, 139.75万元, 在研, 参加.

5.  中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项课题, 特色资源生物利用技术集成与产业化示范, 2019.01-2023.12, 1335.59万元, 在研, 参加.

6.  中国科学院重点部署项目, 耐盐碱芳香植物品种筛选与产业化关键技术研发与示范, 2020.01-2021.12, 120万元, 已结题, 参加.

7.  安徽省阜阳市政府项目, 芳香植物产业化开发集成技术研究与示范, 2019.09-2022.12, 1000万元, 已结题, 参加. 


1.  Meiyu Sun#, Yanan Zhang#, Hongtong Bai, Guofeng Sun, Jinzheng Zhang*, Lei Shi*. 2023. Population diversity analyses provide insights into key horticultural traits of Chinese native thymes. Horticulture Research 10, uhac262.

2.  Meiyu Sun#, Li Zhu#, Yanan Zhang, Ningning Liu, Jinzheng Zhang, Hui Li, Hongtong Bai, Lei Shi*. 2023. Creation of new germplasm resources, development of SSR markers, and screening of monoterpene synthases in thyme. BMC Plant Biology 23, 13.

3.  Yuanpeng Hao, Jiamu Kang, Xiaoqi Guo, Meiyu Sun, Hui Li, Hongtong Bai, Hongxia Cui, Lei Shi*. 2023. pH-responsive chitosan-based film containing oregano essential oil and black rice bran anthocyanin for preserving pork and monitoring freshness. Food Chemistry 403, 134393.

4.  Yuanpeng Hao, Xiaoqi Guo, Wenying Zhang, Fei Xia, Meiyu Sun, Hui Li, Hongtong Bai, Hongxia Cui, Lei Shi*. 2023. 1H NMR-based metabolomics reveals the antimicrobial action of oregano essential oil against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in broth, milk, and beef. LWT-Food Science and Technology 176, 114540

5.  Yeqin Huang, Heran Xu, Mengting Ding, Jingyi Li, Di Wang, Hui Li, Meiyu Sun, Fei Xia, Hongtong Bai, Min Wang, Meiling Mo, Lei Shi*. 2023. Screening of rosemary essential oils with different phytochemicals for antioxidant capacity, keratinocyte cytotoxicity, and anti-proliferative activity. Molecules 28, 586.

6.  Meiyu Sun#, Yanan Zhang#, Li Zhu, Ningning Liu, Hongtong Bai, Guofeng Sun, Jinzheng Zhang*, Lei Shi*. 2022. Chromosome-level assembly and analysis of the Thymus genome provide insights on glandular secretory trichome formation and monoterpenoid biosynthesis in thyme. Plant Communications 3, 100413.

7.  Zhenxu Liang, Jinzheng Zhang, Chao Xin, Dong Li, Meiyu Sun*, Lei Shi*. 2022. Analysis of edible characteristics, antioxidant capacities, and phenolic pigment monomers in Lilium bulbs native to China. Food Research International 151, 110854.  

8.  Jingrui Li, Meiyu Sun, Hui Li, Zhengyi Ling, Di Wang, Jinzheng Zhang, Lei Shi*. 2022. Full-length transcriptome-referenced analysis reveals crucial roles of hormone and wounding during induction of aerial bulbils in lily. BMC Plant Biology 22, 415.

9.  Chengxuan Chen, Xiaoling Shang, Meiyu Sun, Sanyuan Tang, Aimal Khan, Dan Zhang, Hongdong Yan, Yanxi Jiang, Feifei Yu, Yaorong Wu, Qi Xie*. 2022. Comparative transcriptome analysis of two sweet sorghum genotypes with different salt tolerance abilities to reveal the mechanism of salt tolerance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(4), 2272.

10.Yuanpeng Hao, Xiaoqi Guo, Rui Yang, Yihao Yan, Meiyu Sun, Hui Li, Hongtong Bai, Hongxia Cui, Jingyi Li*, Lei Shi*. 2022. Unraveling the biosynthesis of carvacrol in different tissues of Origanum vulgare. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, 13231.

11. Yuanpeng Hao, Jingyi Li, Wenying Zhang, Meiyu Sun, Hui Li, Fei Xia, Hongxia Cui, Hongtong Bai, Lei Shi*. 2021. Analysis of the chemical profiles and anti-S. aureus activities of essential oils extracted from different parts of three oregano cultivars. Foods 10, 2328.

12. Jingyi Li, Xianchun Zhang, Dong Li, Meiyu Sun*, Lei Shi*. 2020. Energy response patterns to light spectrum at sex differentiation stages of Drynaria roosii ametophytes. Environmental and Experimental Botany 172, 103996.

13. Jingrui Li, Min Chai, Xiaopei Zhu, Xuhong Zhang, Hui Li, Di Wang, Quan Xing, Jinzheng Zhang, Meiyu Sun*, Lei Shi*. 2019. Cloning and expression analysis of LoCCD8 during IAA-induced bulbils outgrowth in lily (Oriental Hybrid 'Sorbonne'). Journal of Plant Physiology 236, 39-50.

14. Jingyi Li, Dong Li, Xue Du, Hui Li, Di Wang, Quan Xing, Ran Yao, Meiyu Sun*, Lei Shi*. 2018. Modular organization analysis of specific naringin/neoeriocitrin related gene expression induced by UVC irradiation in Drynaria roosii. Environmental and Experimental Botany 156, 298-315.  

15. Meiyu Sun#, Jingyi Li#, Li Dong, Fengjie Huang, Di Wang, Hui Li, Quan Xing,  Huibin Zhu, Lei Shi*. 2018. Full-length transcriptome sequencing and modular organization analysis of the naringin/neoeriocitrin-related gene expression pattern in Drynaria roosii. Plant and Cell Physiology 59(7), 1398-1414. 

16. Meiyu Sun, Jingrui Li, Dong Li, Lei Shi. 2017. Complete chloroplast genome sequence of the medical fern Drynaria roosii and its phylogenetic analysis. Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources 2(1), 7-8.

17. Zhenxu Liang, Jinzheng Zhang, Meiyu Sun, Yanlong Zhang, Xuhong Zhang,  Hui Li*, Lei Shi*. 2018. Variation in minerals, soluble saccharides, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities in different organs of Lilium pumilum DC. Natural Product Communications 13(6), 717-722.

18. Xiaopei Zhu#, Min Chai#, Yang Li, Meiyu Sun, Jinzheng Zhang, Guofeng Sun, Chuangdao Jiang, Lei Shi*. 2016. Global transcriptome profiling analysis of inhibitory effects of paclobutrazol on leaf growth in lily (Lilium Longiflorum-Asiatic Hybrid). Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 491.

19. Meiyu Sun#, Wei Hua#, Jing Liu, Shunmou Huang, Xinfa Wang, Guihua Liu,  Hanzhong Wang*. 2012. Design of new genome- and gene-sourced primers and identification of QTL for seed oil content in a specially high-oil Brassica napus cultivar. PLos One 7(10), e47037. 

20. Jing Liu#, Shunmou Huang#, Meiyu Sun, Shengyi Liu, Yumei Liu, Wanxing Wang, Xiurong Zhang, Hanzhong Wang, Wei Hua*. 2012. An improved allele-specific PCR primer design method for SNP marker analysis and its application. Plant Methods 8, 34.

21. Zhiyong Hu#, Shunmou Huang#, Meiyu Sun, Hanzhong Wang, Wei Hua*. 2012. Development and application of single nucleotide polymorphism markers in the polyploid Brassica napus by 454 sequencing of expressed sequence tags. Plant Breeding 131(2), 293-299.

22.  张旭红, 孙美玉, 李靖锐, 王頔, 张金政, 石雷. 2019. 东方百合索邦’GA20ox 的克隆及表达分析.园艺学报 46(1), 74-86.

23.  张旭红, 王頔, 梁振旭, 孙美玉, 张金政, 石雷. 2018. 欧洲百合愈伤组织诱导及植株再生体系的建立. 植物学报 53(6), 840-847.

24.  孙美玉, 华玮, 刘静, 王新发, 刘贵华, 王汉中. 2013. 甘蓝型油菜主花序有效角果数QTL定位. 中国油料作物学报 (1), 1-7. 


1.  王汉中, 孙美玉, 华玮, 刘静, 黄顺谋, 王新发, 刘贵华, 一种与油菜含油量性状紧密连锁的分子标记及应用, 2013.06.05, 中国, ZL201210280711.X .

2.  王汉中, 华玮, 刘静, 刘贵华, 王新发, 杨庆, 孙美玉, 黄顺谋, 油菜含油量性状主效基因位点及应用, 2011-03-23, 中国, ZL200910063481.X.