刘智全 副研究员 硕士生导师
刘智全,男,1981年2月生,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。目前主要从事甜高粱分子遗传育种及生态草牧业科技示范推广应用研究。获2020年度中国科学院科技促进发展奖团体奖。近年来作为中国科学院生态草牧业科技示范青年骨干人才,主持中国科学院A类先导专项课题、国家重点研发项目子课题、国家自然基金项目、中国科学院STS项目子课题、中国科学院科技扶贫项目子课题等10余项。在The Plant cell、Journal of Cleaner Production 、Theoretical and Applied Genetics,Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,科学通报等杂志上发表文章10余篇,作为主要完成人育成“科甜1号”、“科甜2号”、“科甜5号”等甜高粱新品种多个,近5年累计推广种植面积超过5万亩。
1、Zhiquan Liu#, Hongli Li#, Xianjie Zeng, Chen Lu, Jinyin Fu, Lijun Guo, Kimani WM, Huili Yan, Zhenyan He, Huaiqing Hao*, Haichun Jing. Coupling phytoremediation of cadmium-contaminated soil with safe crop production based on a sorghum farming system. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 275:123002. ISSN:0959-6526.
2、Xiaoyuan Wu, Yuanmin Liu, Hong Luo, Li Shang, Chuanyuan Leng, Zhiquan Liu, Zhigang Li, Xiaochun Lu, Hongwei Cai, Huaiqing Hao*, Haichun Jing*. Genomic footprints of sorghum domestication and breeding selection for multiple end uses. Molecular Plant. 2022. 15:537-551.
3、Yunhua Chi, Kimani Wilson, Zhiquan Liu, Xiaoyuan Wu, Li Shang, Limin Zhang, Haichun Jing, Huaiqing Hao*. Vacuolar invertase genes SbVIN1 and SbVIN2 are differently associated with stem and kernel traits in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). The Crop Journal. 2020. 8(2):299-312.ISSN:1532-2548.
4、Huaiqing Hao*, Zhigang Li, Chuanyuan Leng, Cheng Lu, Hong Luo, Yuanming Liu, Xiaoyuan Wu, Zhiquan Liu, Li Shang,Haichun Jing*. Sorghum breeding in the genomic era: opportunities and challenges. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2021.134: 1899–1924. ISSN:0040-5752.
5、Xin Shen#, Zhiquan Liu#, Anne Mocoeur, Yan Xia, Haichun Jing*. PAV markers in Sorghum bicolour: Genome pattern, affected genes and pathways, and genetic linkage map construction. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2015.128(4): 623-637. ISSN: 1432-2242. (co-first author)
6、Anne Mocoeur#, Yumiao Zhang#, Zhiquan Liu#, Xin Shen, Limin Zhang Søren K. Rasmussen, Haichun Jing*. Stability and genetic control of morphological, biomass and biofuel traits under temperate maritime and continental conditions in sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolour). Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2015.128:1685–1701. ISSN: 1432-2242,IF5-year:3.759.(co-first author)
7、Anami, S.E., Zhang, L.M., Xia, Y., Zhang, Y.M., Liu, Z.Q., and Jing, H.C.* Sweet sorghum ideotypes: genetic improvement of stress tolerance. Food and Energy Security. 2015, 4: 3-24.
8、Anami, S.E., Zhang, L.M., Yan, X., Zhang, Y.M., Liu, Z.Q., and Jing, H.C.* . Sweet sorghum ideotypes: genetic improvement of the biofuel syndrome. Food and Energy Security. 2015, 4: 159-177.
9、Tian-Tian Wang, Zhi-Jie Ren, Zhi-Quan Liu,Xue Feng,Rui-Qi Guo,Bao-Guo Li,Le-Gong Li,Hai-Chun Jing*. SbHKT1;4, a member of the high-affinity potassium transporter gene family from Sorghum bicolor, functions to maintain optimal Na+/K+ balance under Na+ stress,Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,2014.3.01,56(3):315~332
10、 Li-Min Zhang,Hong Luo,Zhi-Quan Liu,Yi Zhao,Jing-Chu Luo, Dong-Yun Hao, Hai-Chun Jing*.Genome-wide patterns of large-size presence/ absence variants in sorghum,Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,2014.1.01,56(1):24~37
11、王甜甜 , 曹丽雯, 刘智全, 杨庆山, 陈良, 陈敏, 景海春*. 黄河三角洲滨海草带建设的饲草基础生物学问题. 植物学报,2022, 57(6):0-0.
12、郝怀庆, 张汝, 卢呈, 罗洪, 李志刚, 尚丽, 王宁, 刘智全, 吴小园, 景海春*. 甜高粱育种研究进展及未来展望. 植物学报,2022, 57(6):1-11.
13、景海春*, 刘智全, 张丽敏, 吴小园. 饲草甜高粱分子育种与产业化. 科学通报, 2018, 63:1664-1676
14、罗洪, 张丽敏, 夏艳, 吴小园, 王聪, 刘智全, 景海春*. 能源植物高粱基因组研究进展. 科技导报, 2015, 16: 17-26.
15、张丽敏, 刘智全, 陈冰嬬, 郝东云, 高士杰, 景海春* (2012). 我国能源甜高粱育种现状及应用前景.中国农业大学学报, 2012, 17:78-82.
1、科甜2号 景海春, 刘智全等. 2016年获得内蒙古自治区草品种登记(N056号)
2、科甜5号 景海春, 刘智全等. 2015-17年参加国家高粱产业体系在全国14个地区的区域试验和生产试验, 推荐登记