王亮生 研究员 博士生导师
1985年获湘潭大学学士学位,1995年获华东师范大学硕士学位(在职),2001年获日本鹿儿岛大学农学博士学位。2004年4月到中国科学院植物研究所工作。兼中国科学院大学岗位教授、观赏园艺学教研室主任。现任中国园艺学会理事、水生花卉分会理事长、牡丹芍药分会副理事长,中国经济林协会树莓蓝莓分会副会长,中国花卉协会荷花分会副会长,Horticultural Plant Journal副主编。在Nature、Journal of Experimental Botany、The Plant Journal、Horticulture Research、Phytochemistry、Food Chemistry等SCI期刊发表论文79篇,在中文期刊上发表论文61篇。获中国授权发明专利9件、欧盟和日本授权发明专利1件。分别获牡丹、蓝莓植物新品种权15个、1个。已指导博士后3名,培养博士16名、硕士25名,指导在读博士生9名、硕士生2名。
1. 观赏药用资源植物学
Liu QQ, Zhang DS, Liu FL, Liu ZX, Wang XH, Yang Y, Li SS, Li HC, Tian DK*, Wang LS*. 2023. Quercetin-derivatives painting the yellow petals of American lotus (Nelumbo lutea) and enzymatic basis for their accumulation. Horticultural Plant Journal, doi.org/10.1016/j.hpj.2022.02.001
Xiong XH, Zhang J, Yang YZ, Chen YC, Su Q, Zhao Y, Wang J, Xia ZQ, Wang LS*, Zhang LS*, Chen F*. 2023. Water lily research: Past, present, and future. Tropical Plants, doi.org/10.48130/TP-2023-0001
Ji NZ#, Wang QY#, Li SS, Wen JX, Wang LS, Ding XH, Zhao SW*, Feng H*. 2023. Metabolic profile and transcriptome reveal the mystery of petal blotch formation in rose. BMC Plant Biology, doi.org/10.1186/s12870-023-04057-6
Li SS#, Zhang L#, Sun M, Lv MW, Yang Y, Xu WZ*, Wang LS*. 2023. Biogenesis of flavor-related linalool is diverged and genetically conserved in tree peony (Paeonia × suffruticosa). Horticulture Research, doi.org/10.1093/hr/uhac253
Yang Y#, Wu YX#, Chen QH, Liu C, Liu GL, Cheng SP, Wang LS*. 2022. Potential spatiotemporal distribution changes and conservation recommendations of two connected endangered tree peony species (Paeonia decomposita & P. rotundiloba). Flora, 294: 152131.
Sun SS, Wang SJ, Li SS, Wei LP, Wang XH, Wang YZ, Li B, Hu Y, Wang LS*. 2022. New insights on the analysis of phytosterols in pollen and anther wall of tree peony (Paeonia ostii ‘Fengdan’) revealed by GC-MS/MS. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1212: 339891.
Yang Y, He CN, Wu YX, Yu XN, Li SS*, Wang LS*. 2022. Characterization of stilbenes, in vitro antioxidant and cellular anti-photoaging activities of seed coat extracts from 18 Paeonia species. Industrial Crops & Products, 177: 114530.
Wu YX, Yang Y, Liu C, Hou YX, Yang SZ, Wang LS, Zhang XQ*. 2021. Potential suitable habitat of two economically important forest trees (Acer truncatum and Xanthoceras sorbifolium) in East Asia under current and future climate scenarios. Forests, 12: 1263.
Feng CY, Li SS, Taguchi Goro, Wu Q, Yin DD, Gu ZY, Wu J, Xu WZ, Liu C*, Wang LS*. 2021. Enzymatic basis for stepwise C-glycosylation in the formation of flavonoid di-C-glycosides in sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.). The Plant Journal, 106: 351-365.
Tian YR, Li QQ, Rao SP, Wang AK, Zhang HC, Wang LS, Li Y, Chen JH*. 2021. Metabolic profiling and gene expression analysis provides insights into flavonoid and anthocyanin metabolism in poplar. Tree Physiology, 41(6): 1046-1064.
Sun M, Wang YZ, Yang Y, Lv MW, Li SS, Teixeira da Silva Jaime A., Wang LS*, Yu XN*. 2021. Analysis of chemical components in the roots of eight intersubgeneric hybrids of Paeonia. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 18(2): e2000848.
Tu WF, Wu LS, Zhang CY, Sun RX, Wang LS, Yang WQ, Yang CH, Liu C*. 2020. Neoxanthin affects the stability of the C2S2M2-type photosystem II supercomplexes and the kinetics of state transition in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 104: 1724-1735.
Fu ZZ, Shang HQ, Jiang H, Gao J, Dong XY, Wang HJ, Li YM, Wang LM, Zhang J, Shu QY, Chao YC, Xu ML, Wang R, Wang LS*, Zhang HC*. 2020. Systematic identification of the light-quality responding anthocyanin synthesis-related transcripts in Petunia petals. Horticultural Plant Journal, 6(6): 428-438.
Yang Y, Sun M, Li SS, Chen QH, Teixeira da Silva Jaime A., Wang AJ, Yu XN*, Wang LS*. 2020. Germplasm resources and genetic breeding of Paeonia: a systematic review. Horticulture Research, 7: 107.
McDougall Gordon.J.⁎, Foito Alexandre, Dobson Gary, Austin Ceri, Sungurtas Julie, Su S, Wang LJ, Feng CY, Li SS, Wang LS, Wei W, Allwood J. William, Stewart Derek. 2020. Glutathionyl-S-chlorogenic acid is present in fruit of Vaccinium species, potato tubers and apple juice. Food Chemistry, 330: 127227.
Yang Y, Li B, Feng CY, Wu Q, Wang QY, Li SS, Yu XN*, Wang LS*. 2020. Chemical mechanism of flower color microvariation in Paeonia with yellow flowers. Horticultural Plant Journal, 6(3): 179-190.
Yang Y, Li SS, da Silva Jaime A Teixeira, Yu XN*, Wang LS*. 2020. Characterization of phytochemicals in the roots of wild herbaceous peonies from China and screening for medicinal resources. Phytochemistry, 174: 112331.
Zhang LS*, Chen F, Zhang XT et al. 2020. The water lily genome and the early evolution of flowering plants. Nature, 577: 79-84.
Thole Vera*, Bassard Jean-Etienne, Ramírez-González Ricardo et al. 2019. RNA-seq, de novo transcriptome assembly and flavonoid gene analysis in 13 wild and cultivated berry fruit species with high content of phenolics. BMC Genomics, 20: 995.
Gu ZY, Feng CY, Li SS*, Yin DD, Wu Q, ZL, Wang LS*. 2019. Identification of flavonoids and chlorogenic acids in elm fruits from the genus Ulmus and their antioxidant activity. Journal of Separation Science, 42: 2888-2899.
Gu ZY, Zhu J, Zhang L, Yang Y, Li SS*, Wang LS*. 2019. Transcription factors participate in response to powdery mildew infection in Paeonia lactiflora. Scientia Horticulturae, 257: 108535.
Wu Q, Yuan RY, Feng CY, Li SS*, Wang LS*. 2019. Analysis of polyphenols composition and antioxidant activity assessment of Chinese Dwarf Cherry (Cerasus humilis (Bge.) Sok.). Natural Product Communications, 14(6): doi: 10.1177/1934578X19856509.
Gu ZY, Men SQ, Zhu J, Hao Q, Tong NN, Liu ZA, Zhang HC, Shu QY*, Wang LS*. 2019. Chalcone synthase is ubiquitinated and degraded via interactions with a RING-H2 protein in petals of Paeonia hybrid ‘He Xie’. Journal of Experimental Botany, 70(18): 4749-4762.
Deng CY, Li SS, Feng CY, Hong Y, Huang H, Wang JY, Wang LS*, Dai SL*. 2019. Metabolite and gene expression analysis reveal the molecular mechanism for petal colour variation in six Centaurea cyanus cultivars. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 142: 22-33.
Gu ZY, Zhu J, Hao Q, Yuan YW, Duan YW, Men SQ, Wang QY, Hou QZ, Liu ZA, Shu QY*, Wang LS*. 2019. A novel R2R3-MYB transcription factor contributes to petal blotch formation by regulating organ-specific expression of PsCHS in tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa). Plant and Cell Physiology, 60 (3): 599-611.
Zhao HX, Wang LS, Zhao FJ, Wu LH, Liu AN, Xu WZ*. 2019. SpHMA1 is a chloroplast cadmium exporter protecting photochemical reactions in the Cd hyperaccumulator Sedum plumbizincicola. Plant, Cell & Environment, 42: 1112-1124.
Feng CY, Wu Q, Yin DD, Li B, Li SS*, Tang ZQ, Xu YJ, Wang LS*. 2018. Determination of xanthones and flavonoids of methanol extracts obtained from different parts of the plants of three Gentianaceae species. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 161: 455-463.
Wu Q, Li PC, Zhang HJ, Feng CY, Li SS*, Yin DD, Tian J, Xu WZ, Wang LS*. 2018. Relationship between the flavonoid composition and flower colour variation in Victoria. Plant Biology, 20: 674-681.
Yin DD, Xu WZ, Shu QY, Li SS*, Wu Q, Feng CY, Gu ZY, Wang LS*. 2018. Fatty acid desaturase 3 (PsFAD3) from Paeonia suffruticosa reveals high α-linolenic acid accumulation. Plant Science, 274: 212-222.
Yin DD, Li SS, Shu QY, Gu ZY, Wu Q, Feng CY, Xu WZ*, Wang LS*. 2018. Identification of microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs involved in fatty acid biosynthesis in tree peony seeds. Gene, 666: 72-82.
Li SS, Wu Q, Yin DD, Feng CY, Liu ZG*, Wang LS*. 2018. Phytochemical variation among the traditional Chinese medicine Mu Dan Pi from Paeonia suffruticosa (tree peony). Phytochemistry, 146: 16-24.
Du H, Lai LM, Wang F, Sun WB, Zhang LH, Li XH, Wang LS, Jiang LH, Zheng YR*. 2018. Characterisation of flower colouration in 30 Rhododendron species via anthocyanin and flavonol identification and quantitative traits. Plant Biology, 20: 121-129.
Dudnik Alexey*, Almeida A. Filipa, Andrade Ricardo et al. 2018. BacHBerry: BACterial Hosts for production of Bioactive phenolics from bERRY fruits. Phytochemistry Reviews, 17(2): 291-326.
[1] 王亮生,冯成庸,李珊珊,吴倩. 用莲类黄酮C-糖基转移酶UGT708N1合成类黄酮C-糖苷的方法,ZL 201911289778.8
[2] 王亮生,冯成庸,李珊珊,吴倩. 用莲类黄酮C-糖基转移酶UGT708N2合成类黄酮C-糖苷的方法,ZL 201911289779.2
[1] 王亮生,王丽金,冯成庸,李冰,李珊珊. 越桔属蓝莓新品种‘蓝闺蜜’. 品种权号:20190411
[2] 王亮生,李珊珊,杨勇,朱瑾,张玲,王晓晗,杜会,任红旭. 芍药属牡丹新品种‘华妃笑靥’. 品种权号:20210706
[3] 王亮生,杨勇,李珊珊,苏恰帆,任红旭. 芍药属牡丹新品种‘华彩叠锦’. 品种权号:20220574
[4] 王亮生,李珊珊,杨勇,王晓晗,肖红强. 芍药属牡丹新品种‘华妃闭月’. 品种权号:20220569
[5] 王亮生,李珊珊,杨勇,侯异璇,肖红强. 芍药属牡丹新品种‘华妃十八’. 品种权号:20220573
[6] 王亮生,杨勇,李珊珊,胡杨,徐文忠. 芍药属牡丹新品种‘华焰红阳’. 品种权号:20220570
[7] 王亮生,杨勇,李珊珊,李冰,张玲. 芍药属牡丹新品种‘华玉光芒’. 品种权号:20220578
[8] 李珊珊,王亮生,杨勇,王倩玉,苏恰帆,吴倩,肖红强,徐文忠. 芍药属牡丹新品种‘华妃点绛’. 品种权号:20210707
[9] 李珊珊,王亮生,杨勇,尹丹丹,李冰,吴杰,冯成庸,刘成. 芍药属牡丹新品种‘华玉脂凝’. 品种权号:20210708
[10] 李珊珊,王亮生,杨勇,孙苗,张艺馨. 芍药属牡丹新品种‘华彩流光’. 品种权号:20220577
[11] 李珊珊,王亮生,杨勇,朱瑾,徐文忠. 芍药属牡丹新品种‘华彩星辰’. 品种权号:20220563
[12] 李珊珊,王亮生,杨勇,薛畅,刘成. 芍药属牡丹新品种‘华妃浓妆’. 品种权号:20220576
[13] 李珊珊,王亮生,杨勇,王倩玉,任红旭. 芍药属牡丹新品种‘华妃醉颜’. 品种权号:20220562
[14] 杨勇,王亮生,李珊珊,吴铭鑫,张琳. 芍药属牡丹新品种‘华彩染黛’. 品种权号:20220555
[15] 杨勇,王亮生,李珊珊,武耀星,刘成. 芍药属牡丹新品种‘华妃荷韵’. 品种权号:20220564
[16] 杨勇,王亮生,李珊珊,吕梦雯,薛博阳. 芍药属牡丹新品种‘华妃焕彩’. 品种权号:20220568