郑元润 研究员 博士生导师
1990年获山西大学学士学位;1993年和1995年分别获中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所硕士和博士学位,1995至1997年在中国科学院植物研究所从事博士后研究,2001-2004年任日本国立环境研究所特别研究员,2006-2007年任日本鸟取大学干燥地研究中心客座副教授。1997-至今在中国科学院植物研究所工作。现任《生态学杂志》编委、《生态与农村环境学报》编委、《Frontiers in Plant Science》Associate Editor;环境保护部环境损害鉴定评估专家鉴定委员会委员;华西亚高山植物园主任。发表学术论文160多篇,其中SCI论文70多篇;2001年获国家科技部等四部委“九五”攻关先进工作者。已培养博士和硕士27名;正在指导博士生和硕士生6名。
1. 杜鹃属植物生态适应与资源保育
2. 干旱、半干旱区生态系统观察、模拟与受损生态系统恢复
3. 植被格局和过程分析、模拟与高精度植被图编研
[1] “青藏高原植被分布与模拟”,第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究子子课题(2019.11-2024.10),主持人。
[2] “雄安新区绿地系统建设和生态功能提升技术与示范”,国家重点研发计划项目课题(2018.7-2021.6),主持人。
[3] “黑河流域生态系统结构特征与过程集成及生态情景研究”,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“黑河流域生态-水文过程集成研究”集成项目课题(2015.1-2018.12),主持人。
[4] “鄂尔多斯高原灌丛化草地恢复过程与机制”,国家自然科学基金重点项目(2014.1-2018.12),主持人。
[5] “黑河流域上游生态水文过程耦合机理及模型研究”,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“黑河流域生态-水文过程集成研究”集成项目课题(2013.1-2016.12),主持人。
[6] “特色观赏植物产业化研发与中试”,科技部农业科技成果转化资金项目(2012.4-2014.3),主持人。
[7] “重庆市森林固碳现状、速率和潜力研究”,中国科学院战略性先导科技专项专题(2011.1-2015.12),主持人。
[8] “鄂尔多斯高原灌丛化草地土壤水分、养分的再分配机制、生态学意义与生态管理对策”,中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目“鄂尔多斯高原灌丛化草地恢复的土壤微生物过程及机制”课题(2010.1-2012.12),主持人。
[9] “干旱区地下有机碳过程及其与无机碳吸收的关系”,“973”计划项目“干旱区盐碱土碳过程与全球变化”课题(2009.1-2013.8),主持人。
[10] “典型石油开采区污染源生态效应表征和分析技术研究”,国家十一五科技支撑计划“石油开采污染生态风险评估技术”子课题(2008.4-2011.3),主持人。
Sun QL, Liu X, Lai LM, Zhou JH, Gao Y, An P, Shimizu H, Zheng YR*. 2022. Germination characteristics of three key species and their implications for vegetation restoration in northern China. Botany 100(7): 573-581.
Sun QL, Lai LM, Zhou JH, Yi SG, Liu X, Guo JJ, Zheng YR*. 2022. Differences in ecological traits between plants grown in situ and ex situ and implications for conservation. Sustainability 14: 5199. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14095199.
Sun QL, Lai LM, Zhou JH, Liu X, Zheng YR*. 2022. Ecophysiological leaf traits of forty-seven woody species under long-term acclimation in a botanical garden. Plants 11: 725. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11060725.
Liu X, Zhuang QL, Lai LM, Zhou JH, Sun QL, Yi SG, Liu BB, Zheng YR*. 2021. Soil water use sources and patterns in shrub encroachment in semiarid grasslands of Inner Mongolia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 308-309: 1-9.
Yi SG, Zhou JH, Lai LM, Sun QL, Liu X, Liu BB, Guo JJ, Zheng YR*. 2021. Different causal factors occur between land use/cover and vegetation classification systems but not between vegetation classification levels in the highly disturbed Jing-Jin-Ji region of China. Sustainability 13(8): 4201.
Yi SG, Zhou JH, Lai LM, Du H, Sun QL, Yang L, Liu X, Liu BB, Zheng YR*. 2020. Simulating highly disturbed vegetation distribution: the case of China's Jing-Jin-Ji region. PeerJ 8:e9839 http://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.9839.
Yang L, Zhou JH, Lai LM, Sun QL, Yi SG, Jiang LH, Zheng YR*. 2020. Evaluating physiological changes of grass and semishrub species with seasonality for understanding the process of shrub encroachment in semiarid grasslands. Functional Plant Biology 47(7): 628-638.
Zheng YR*, Zhou GS, Zhuang QL, Shimizu H. 2020. Long‐term elimination of grazing reverses the effects of shrub encroachment on soil and vegetation on the Ordos Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 125(5): 1-15.
Yang L, Lai LM, Zhou JH, Li QY, Yi SG, Sun QL, Zheng YR*. 2020. Changes in levels of enzymes and osmotic adjustment compounds in key species and their relevance to vegetation succession in abandoned croplands of a semiarid sandy region. Ecology and Evolution 10(4): 2269-2280.
Zhao XC, Liu X, Tian SH, Yang Q, Zheng YR*. 2019. Transformation from natural to wheat ecosystems enhances fine roots production and soil organic carbon input in an arid region. Arid Land Research and Management 33(4): 449-467.
Li HY, Yi SG, Lai LM, Zhou JH, Sun QL, Jiang LH, Gao Y, An P, Shimizu H, Zheng YR*. 2019. Responses of plant species to different aboveground removal treatments with implications for vegetation restoration in the Mu Us Sandland (Inner Mongolia). Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 88(1): 1-14.
Lai LM, Chen LJ, Zheng MQ, Jiang LH, Zhou JH, Zheng YR*, Shimizu H. 2019. Seed germination and seedling growth of five desert plants and their relevance to vegetation restoration. Ecology and Evolution 9(4): 2160-2170.
Gao NN, Guan TY, Zhou JH, Cai WT, Zhang XL, Li HY, Jiang LH, Zheng YR*. 2019. Vegetation patterns and causal factors in different reaches of an endorheic basin in arid China. Écoscience 26(1): 71-83.
Zhang XL, Zhou JH, Guan TY, Cai WT, Jiang LH, Lai LM, Gao NN, Zheng YR*. 2019. Spatial variation in leaf nutrient traits of dominant desert riparian plant species in an arid inland river basin of China. Ecology and Evolution 9(3): 1523-1531.
Yang L, Lai LM, Zhou JH, Yi SG, Sun QL, Li HY, Jiang LH, Zheng YR*. 2019. Enzyme and osmotic adjustment compounds of key species can help explain shrub encroachment in a semiarid sandy grassland. Ecological Indicators 101: 541-551.
Guan TY, Zhou JH, Zhang XL, Gao NN, Du H, Cai WT, Jiang LH, Lai LM, Zheng YR*. 2018. The effect of photosynthetic parameters on species acclimation in an arid mountainous region of China. Turkish Journal of Botany,42(4): 423-439.
Li QY, Lai LM, Zhou JH, Du H, Guan TY, Zhang XL, Jiang LH, Zheng YR*, Yu Y, Gao, Y, An P, Shimizu H. 2018. Differential influence of elevated CO2 on gas exchange and water use efficiency of four indigenous shrub species distributed in different sandy environments in central Inner Mongolia. Ecological Research, 33(5): 863-871.
Zhang XL, Guan TY, Zhou JH, Cai WT, Gao NN, Du H, Jiang LH, Lai LM, Zheng YR*. 2018. Groundwater depth and soil properties are associated with variation in vegetation of a desert riparian ecosystem in an arid area of China. Forests, 9: 1-18.
Du H, Lai LM, Wang F, Sun WB, Zhang LH, Li XH, Wang LS, Jiang LH, Zheng YR*. 2018. Characterisation of flower colouration in 30 Rhododendron species via anthocyanin and flavonol identification and quantitative traits. Plant Biol., 20: 121-129.
Wang YJ, Lai LM, Du H, Jiang LH, Wang F, Zhang C, Zhuang P, Zheng YR*. 2018. Phylogeny, habitat together with biological and ecological factors can influence germination of 36 subalpine Rhododendron species from the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Ecology and Evolution, 8(7): 3589-3598.
Zhang XL, Guan TY, Zhou JH, Cai WT, Gao NN, Du H, Jiang LH, Lai LM, Zheng YR*. 2018. Community characteristics and leaf stoichiometric traits of desert ecosystems regulated by precipitation and soil in an arid area of China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,15: 1-19.
Li QY, Lai LM, Du H, Cai WT, Guan TY, Zhang XL, Jiang, LH, Zheng YR*, Yu, Y., Gao, Y., An, P., Shimizu, H. 2017. Elevated CO2 concentrations affect the growth patterns of dominant C3 and C4 shrub species differently in the Mu Us Sandy Land of Inner Mongolia. Botany 95(9): 869-877.
Gao NN, Zhou JH, Zhang XL, Cai WT, Guan TY, Jiang LH, Du H, Yang DW, Cong ZT, Zheng YR*. 2017. Correlation between vegetation and environment at different levels in an arid, mountainous region of China. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3088.
Zhou JH, Cai WT, Qin Y, Lai LM, Guan TY, Zhan XL, Jiang LH, Du H, Yang DW, Cong ZT, Zheng YR*. 2016. Alpine vegetation phenology dynamic over 16 years and its covariation with climate in a semi-arid region of China. Science of the Total Environment, 572: 119-128.
Lai LM, Chen LJ, Jiang LH, Zhou JH, Zheng YR*, Shimizu H. 2016. Seed germination of seven desert plants and implications for vegetation restoration. AoB Plant 8: plw031. 10.1093/aobpla/plw031.
Zhou JH, Lai LM, Guan TY, Cai WT, Gao NN, Zhang XL, Yang DW, Cong ZT, Zheng YR*. 2016. Comparison modeling for alpine vegetation distribution in an arid area. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188(7): 1-14.
Zhu LH, Wang YJ, Jiang LH, Lai LM, Ding JZ, Liu NX, Li JS, Xiao NW, Zheng YR*, Rimmington GM. 2015. Effects of residual hydrocarbons on the reed community after 10 years of oil extraction and the effectiveness of different biological indicators for the long-term risk assessments. Ecological Indicators, 48: 235-243.
Zhu LH, Chen ZX, Wang JJ, Ding JZ, Yu YJ, Li JS, Xiao NW, Jiang LH, Zheng YR*, Rimmington GM. 2014. Monitoring plant response to phenanthrene using the red edge of canopy hyperspectral reflectance. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 86: 332-341.
Wang YJ, Wang JJ, Lai LM, Jiang LH, Zhuang P, Zhang LH, Zheng YR*, Baskin JM, Baskin CC. 2014. Geographic variation in seed traits within and among forty-two species of Rhododendron (Ericaceae) on the Tibetan plateau: relationships with altitude, habitat, plant height, and phylogeny. Ecology and Evolution, 4(10): 1913-1923.
Zheng YR*, Jiang LH, Gao Y, Chen X, Luo GP, Feng XW, Shimizu H. 2014. Growth response and soil–plant water relations of 4 dominant psammophyte species with soil moisture in central Inner Mongolia. Turkish Journal of Botany, 38: 325-333.
Lai LM, Li YF, Tian Y, Jiang LH, Zhao XC, Zhu LH, Chen X, Gao Y, Wang SM, Zheng YR*, Rimmington GM. 2013. Effects of added organic matter and water on soil carbon sequestration in an arid region. PLoS ONE, 8(7): e70224. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0070224.
Zheng YR*, Jiang LH, Gao Y, Chen X, Luo GP, Feng XW, Yu YJ, An P, Yu Y, Shimizu H. 2013. Persistence of four dominant psammophyte species in central Inner Mongolia, China, under continual drought. Journal of Arid Land, 5(3): 331–339 .
Zhu LH, Zhao XC, Lai LM, Wang JJ, Jiang LH, Ding JZ, Liu NX, Yu YJ, Li JS, Xiao NW, Zheng YR*, Rimmington GM. 2013. Soil TPH concentration estimation using vegetation indices in an oil polluted area of eastern China. PLoS ONE, 8(1): e54028. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054028.
Zheng M, Lai L, Jiang L, An P, Yu Y, Zheng YR*, Shimizu H, Baskin JM, Baskin CC. 2012. Moderate water supply and partial sand burial increase relative growth rate of two Artemisia species in an inland sandy land. Journal of Arid Environments, 85: 105-113.
Lai LM, Zhao XC, Jiang LH, Wang YJ, Luo LG, Zheng YR*, Chen X, Rimmington GM. 2012. Soil Respiration in Different Agricultural and Natural Ecosystems in an Arid Region. PLoS ONE, 70, e48011.
Zheng YR*, Xie ZX, Roberts C, An P, Li XJ, Zhou GS, Shimizu H, Drake S. 2011. Modeling seasonal evapotranspiration of arid lands in China. Hydrology Research, 42: 40-49.
Jiang LH, Zheng YR*, Gao Y, Rimmington GM. 2011. Prediction of aboveground net primary productivity and foliage projective cover in an arid area of China. Arid Land Research and Management, 25: 351-367.
Lai LM, Zheng YR*, Bai H, Yu YJ, An P, Li XJ, Rimmington GM, Shimizu H. 2010. Strong light inhibits germination of Artemisia sphaerocephala and A. ordosica at low temperature and its relevance to revegetation in sandy lands of Inner Mongolia, China. Ecological Research, 25: 771-780.
Zheng YR*, Xie ZX, Rimmington GM,Yu YJ, Gao Y, Zhou GS, An P, Li XJ, Tsuji W, Shimizu H. 2010. Elevated CO2 accelerates net assimilation rate and enhance growth of dominant shrub species in a sand dune in central Inner Mongolia. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 68: 31-36.
Zheng MQ, Zheng YR*, Zhou GS, WuYZ, An P, Baskin CC, Baskin JM. 2009. Effects of watering regime and depth of burial on seedling emergence of four dominant psammophytes in the Mu Us sandy land, Inner Mongolia, China, and relevance to revegetation of a desertified region. Annals of Applied Biology, 154: 87-96.
Zheng YR*, Rimmington GM, Xie ZX, Zhang L, An P, Zhou GS, Li XJ, Yu YJ, Chen LJ, Shimizu H. 2008. Responses to air temperature and soil moisture of growth of four dominant species on sand dunes of central Inner Mongolia. Journal of Plant Research, 121: 473-482.
Zheng YR*, Xie ZX, Jiang LH, Shimizu H, Rimmington GM, Zhou GS. 2006. Vegetation responses along environmental gradients on the Ordos plateau, China. Ecological Research, 21: 396-404.
Zheng YR*, Xie ZX, Jiang LH, Shimizu H, Drake S. 2006. Changes in Holdridge Life Zone diversity in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR) of China over the past forty years. Journal of Arid Environment, 66: 113-126.
Zheng YR*, Xie ZX, Robert C, Jiang LH, Shimizu H. 2006. Did climate drive ecosystem change and induce desertification in Otindag sandy land, China over the past 40 years? Journal of Arid Environment, 64: 523-541.
Hu YQ, Chen JB, Zheng YR, Li GQ, Zuo HC. 2006. Some phenomena of the interaction between vegetation and an atmosphere on multiple scales. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 23: 639-648.
Zheng YR*, Xie ZX, Yu Y, Jiang LH, Shimizu H, Rimmington GM. 2005. Effects of burial in sand and water supply regime on seedling emergence of six species. Annals of Botany, 95: 1237-1245.
Zheng YR*, Xie ZX, Gao Y, Jiang LH, Xing XR, Shimizu H, Rimmington GM. 2005. Effects of light, temperature and water stress on germination of Artemisia sphaerocephala. Annals of Applied Biology, 146: 327-335.
Zheng YR*, Rimmington GM, Gao Y, Jiang LH, Xing XR, An P, El-Sidding K, Shimizu H. 2005. Germination characteristics of Artemisia ordosica (Asteraceae) in relation to ecological restoration in northern China. Canadian Journal of Botany, 83: 1021-1028.
Zheng YR*, Xie ZX, Gao Y, Yu YJ, Shimizu H. 2005. Influence of light, temperature and water stress on germination of Hedysarum fruticosum. South African Journal of Botany, 71: 167-172.
Zheng YR*, Xie ZX, Jiang LH, Wu YZ, Shimizu H. 2005. Model simulation and comparison of the ecological characteristics of three degraded grassland types in China. Belgian Journal of Botany, 138: 109-118.
Zheng YR*, Xie ZX, Jiang LH, Chen LJ, Yu YJ, Zhou GS, Shimizu H. 2005. Model of the net primary productivity of terrestrial ecosystems in China and its response to climate change. Phyton, 45: 193-200.
Shimizu H, An P, Zheng YR, Chen LJ, Sase H, Totsuka T, Bulgan T, Zheng Y. 2005. Response O3 and SO2 for five Mongolian semi-arid plant species. Phyton, 45: 601-607.
Yu YJ, Shi PJ, Lu CX, Zheng YR, Shimizu H. 2005. Ecophysiological responses of rice to sandmoving air currents. Phyton, 45: 595-600.
Zheng YR*, Gao Y, Ping An, Shimizu H, Rimmington GM. 2004. Germination characteristics of Agriophyllum squarrosum. Canadian Journal of Botany, 82: 1662-1670.
Zheng YR*, Xie ZX, Gao Y, Jiang LH, Shimizu H. Tobe K. 2004. Germination responses of Caragana korshinskii Kom. To light, temperature and water stress. Ecological Research, 19: 553-558.
Zheng YR*, Xie ZX, Gao Y, Shimizu H, Jiang LH, Yu Y. 2003. Ecological restoration in northern china: germination characteristics of 9 key species in relation to air seeding. Belgian Journal of Botany, 136: 129-138.
Li GQ, Zheng YR*. 2002. The characteristics of regional climate change and pattern analysis on Ordos Plateau. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 14: 568-675.
[1] 程国栋、傅伯杰、宋长青等. 2021. “黑河流域生态-水文过程集成研究”重大计划最新研究进展. 科学出版社,北京.
[2] 杨大文、郑元润、高冰、李弘毅、于澎涛. 2020. 高寒山区生态水文过程与耦合模拟. 科学出版社,北京.
[3] 李小雁、郑元润、王彦辉、孙阁、王佩、高光耀. 2020. 黑河流域植被格局与生态水文适应机制. 科学出版社,北京.
[4] 李俊生、肖能文、李兴春、李广贺、郑元润、邓祥征、于洪兵. 2013. 陆地石油开采生态风险评估的技术研究. 中国环境出版社,北京.
[5] Zheng YR, Li QS. 2009. Ordos plateau, Inner Mongolia. In: Squires V, Lu XS, Lu Q, Wang T, Yang YL. eds. Rangeland Degradation and Recovery in China’s Pastoral lands. CABI, Australia.
[1] 朱林海、丁金枝、王健健、刘南希、来利明、赵学春、王永吉、郑元润。一种基于高光谱植被指数监测土壤石油污染的方法:中国,ZL201010502657.x
[2] 朱林海、丁金枝、王健健、刘南希、来利明、赵学春、王永吉、郑元润。一种利用植物地上生物量监测土壤石油污染的方法:中国,ZL201010506511.2
[3] 杨柳、何正军、赵文吉、贾国夫、来利明、杜会、姜联合、周继华、蔡文涛、齐淑艳、郑元润。一种提高狭叶红景天生物量的栽培方法:中国,ZL 2016 1 0937232.9