近年来一直致力于牡丹芍药种质资源收集、评价与性状遗传调控研究,从基因功能、转录调控和翻译后修饰等角度系统研究了牡丹类黄酮代谢调控机制,解析了ABI5-FAD3模块参与牡丹种子中α-亚麻酸合成调控机理,为优质育种和功能成分开发利用奠定了基础。在牡丹产业化过程中,作为骨干参与创建了油用牡丹产业关键技术体系并示范推广10万余亩,完成成果评价5项(国际领先3项,国内领先2项),为 “美丽中国”和“乡村振兴”提供了范式。主持了国家自然科学基金、中国科学院战略生物资源计划、中国科学院先导A任务及企业合作项目等10余项;作为骨干参与科研项目10项;获得国家授权发明专利13项;在Journal of Experimental Botany、Plant Science和Horticulture Research等学术期刊上发表论文40余篇。2016和2019年获九三学社北京市委员会“优秀社员”荣誉,2021年获九三学社北京市委员会 “优秀社务干部”;获中国科技期刊卓越行动计划2022年度“优秀审稿人”荣誉。
2. 重要经济性状形成的分子机制与种质创新
基于全长转录组的GWAS和eQTL解析牡丹心皮数目变异机制, 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号32072605),2021.1-2024.12,主持人
牡丹开花时间相关的F-box 基因的克隆和功能鉴定,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(批准号30800760),2009.1-2011.12 ,主持人
研究论文(注#共同第一作者, *为通讯作者)
Peng LP#, Li Y#, Tan WQ, Wu SW, Hao Q, Tong NN, Wang ZY, Liu ZA*, Shu QY*. 2023. Combined GWAS and eQTLs analysis uncovers a genetic regulatory network of floral organs number in tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews) breeding population. Horticulture Research, 10: uhad110
Zhang X#, Li Yang#, Wang XM, Peng LP, Liu ZA, Shu QY*, Hao Q*. 2023. Overexpression of a novel F-box protein PsFFL1 from tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa) confers drought tolerance in tobacco. Plant Growth Regulation, 101:131-143
Geng DD, Song SF, Li Y, Li TT, Shu QY*, Hao Q*. 2023. A novel transcription factor PsMYBM enhances the biosynthesis of anthocyanins in response to light in tree peony. Industrial Crops & Products, 200: 116800
Tong NN, Shu QY, Wang BC, Peng LP*, Liu ZA*, 2023. Histology, physiology, and transcriptomic and metabolomic profiling reveal the developmental dynamics of annual shoots in tree peonies (Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.). Horticulture Research, 10: uhad152
Li Y, Wang XR, Zhang X, Liu ZG, Peng LP, Hao Q, Liu ZA*, Men SQ, Tong NN, Shu QY*. 2022. ABSCISIC ACID-INSENSITIVE 5-ω3 FATTY ACID DESATURASE3 module regulates unsaturated fatty acids biosynthesis in Paeonia ostii. Plant Science, 317: 111189
Li Y, Kong F, Liu ZA*, Peng LP, Shu QY*. 2022. PhUGT78A22, a novel glycosyltransferase in Paeonia ‘He Xie’, can catalyze the transfer of glucose to glucosylated anthocyanins during petal blotch formation. BMC Plant Biology, 22: 405
Huang WY, Guo X, Wang CY, Alzhan A, Liu ZA, Ma XF*, Shu QY*. 2022. α-Linolenic acid induces apoptosis, inhibits the invasion and metastasis, and arrests cell cycle in human breast cancer cells by inhibiting fatty acid synthase. Journal of Functional Foods, 92: 105041
Wang WD#, Liu ZG#*, Kong F, He LX, Fang LH, Shu QY*. 2022. Quantitative analysis of resveratrol derivatives in seed coats of tree peonies and their hypoglycemic activities in vitro/vivo. Food & Function, 13: 846-856
谭万庆、彭丽平、刘政安、佟宁宁、宋苗苗、舒庆艳*. 2022. 凤丹栽培群体表型多样性分析及综合评价. 经济林研究,40 (3): 180-191
Liu ZG*, Li MZ, Qian DW, Liu ZA, Shu QY*. 2021. Phytochemical profiles and their hypoglycemic effects of tree peony seed coats. Food & Function, 12: 11777-11789
Wang X, Zan MY, Amuti A, Shu QY*, Wang ZZ*. 2021. Evaluation of the oxidation stability and anti-cancer cell activity of Paeonia ostii seed oil and its linolenic acid fractions delivered as microemulsions. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 342: 117579
Tong NN, Peng LP, Liu ZA*, Li Y, Zhou XY, Wang XR, Shu QY*. 2021. Comparative transcriptomic analysis of genes involved in stem lignin biosynthesis in woody and herbaceous Paeonia species. Physiologia Plantrum, 173: 961-977
Tong NN, Zhou XY, Peng LP, Liu ZA*, Shu QY*. 2021. A comprehensive study of three species of Paeonia stem and leaf phytochemicals, and their antioxidant activities. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 273: 113985
Peng LP, Hao Q, Men SQ, Wang XR, Huang WY, Tong NN, Chen M, Liu ZA, Ma XF, Shu QY*. 2021. Ecotopic over-expression of PoCHS from Paeonia ostii altered the fatty acids composition and content in Arabidopsis thaliana. Physiologia Plantrum, 172: 64-76
Bai MM, Liu HN*, Wang SS, Shu QY*, Xu K, Zhou J, Xiong X, Huang RL, Deng JP*, Yin YL, Liu ZA. 2021. Dietary Moutan cortex radices improves serum antioxidant capacity and intestinal immunity and alters colonic microbiota in weaned piglets. Frontiers in Nutrition, 8: 679129
孔凡、郝青、刘政安、舒庆艳*. 2021. 凤丹牡丹花朵不同发育时期挥发性成分积累规律及蒸馏工艺研究. 亚热带植物科学, 60(6): 447-453
Peng LP, Men SQ, Liu ZA, Tong NN, Imran M, Shu QY*. 2020. Fatty acid composition, phytochemistry, antioxidant activity on seed coat and kernel of Paeonia ostii from main geographic production areas. Foods, 9: 30
Wang ZZ, Liu XX, Li Q, Qiu S, Wang XP, Byambasuren K, Liu ZA, Dang LP*, Shu QY*. 2020. In vitro evaluation of a fluorescent microemulsion as an oral delivery carrier and its potential application in tracking bioactive compounds label-free. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68: 8996-9003
Gu ZY, Men SQ, Zhu J, Hao Q, Tong NN, Liu ZA, Zhang HC, Shu QY*, Wang LS*. 2019. Chalcone synthase is ubiquitinated and degraded via interactions with a RING-H2 protein in petals of Paeonia ‘He Xie’. Journal of Experimental Botany, 70: 4749-4762
Hao Q#, Peng LP#, Zhen Li, Men SQ, Tong NN, Shu QY*, Liu ZA*. 2019. Paternal effects on fatty acid composition of tree peony seed oil. Euphytica, 215: 131
Gu ZY, Zhu J, Hao Q, Yuan YW, Duan YW, Men SQ, Wang QY, Hou QZ, Liu ZA, Shu QY*, Wang LS*. 2019. A novel R2R3-MYB transcription factor contributes to petal blotch formation by regulating organ-specific expression of PsCHS in tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa). Plant and Cell Physiology, 60: 599-611
Yin DD, Li SS, Shu QY, Gu ZY, Wu Q, Feng CY, Xu WZ*, Wang LS*. 2018. Identification of microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs involved in fatty acid biosynthesis in tree peony seeds. Gene, 666: 72-82
Yin DD, Xu WZ, Shu QY, Li SS*, Wu Q, Feng CY, Gu ZY, Wang LS*. 2018. Fatty acid desaturase 3 (PsFAD3) from Paeonia suffruticosa reveals high a-linolenic acid accumulation. Plant Science, 274: 212-222
Hao Q#, Ren HX#, Zhu J, Wang LS, Huang SC, Liu ZA, Gao ZM*, Shu QY*. 2017. Overexpression of PSK1, a SKP1-like gene homologue, from Paeonia suffruticosa, confers salinity tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Reports, 36: 151-162
Du H, Wu J, Ji KX, Zeng QY, Bhuiyad MW, Su S, Shu QY*, Ren HX, Liu ZA, Wang LS*. 2015. Methylation mediated by an anthocyanin O-methyltransferase, is involved in purple flower coloration in Paeonia. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66: 6563-77
Li SS, Wang LS*, Shu QY, Wu J, Chen LG, Shao S, Yin DD. 2015. Fatty acid composition of developing tree peony (Paeonia section Moutan DC.) seeds and transcriptome analysis during seed development. BMC Genomics, 16: 208
Gao ZM*, Wu J, Liu ZA, Wang LS, Ren HX, Shu QY*. 2013. Rapid microsatellite development for tree peony and its implications. BMC Genomics, 14: 886
Shu QY*, Wang LS, Wu J, Du H, Liu ZA, Ren HX*, Zhang JJ. 2012. Analysis of the formation of flower shapes in wild species and cultivars of tree peony using the MADS-box subfamily gene. Gene, 493: 113-123
Zhang JJ, Shu QY*, Liu ZA, Ren HX, Wang LS*, De Keyser E. 2012. Two EST-derived marker systems for cultivar identification in tree peony. Plant Cell Reports, 31: 299-310
Zhu ML, Zheng XC, Shu QY*, Li H, Zhong PX, Zhang HJ, Xu YJ, Wang LJ, Wang LS*. 2012. Relationship between the composition of flavonoids and flower colors variation in tropical water lily (Nymphaea) cultivars. PLoS One, 7: e34335
De Keyser E, Shu QY, Van Bockstaele E, De Riek J*. 2010. Multipoint-likelihood maximization mapping on 4 segregating populations to achieve an integrated framework map for QTL analysis in pot azalea (Rhododendron simsii hybrids). BMC Molecular Biology, 11:1
Shu QY, Wischnitzki E, Liu ZA, Ren HX, Han XY, Hao Q, Gao FF, Xu SX, Wang LS*. 2009. Analysis and functional annotation of expressed sequence tags for tree peony for the understanding of molecular mechanism controlling flower bud development. Physiologia Plantarum, 135: 436-449
Li CH, Du H, Wang LS*, Shu QY, Zheng YR, Xu YJ, Zhang JJ, Zhang J, Yang RZ, Ge YX. 2009. Flavonoid composition and antioxidant activity of tree peony (Paeonia section Moutan) yellow flowers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57: 8496-8503
Han XY, Wang LS, Shu QY*, Liu ZA, Xu SX, Tetsumura T. 2008. Molecular characterization of tree peony germplasms using sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers. Biochemical Genetics, 46:162-179
Hao Q, Liu ZA, Shu QY*, De Riek J, Zhang RE, Wang LS. 2008. Studies on Paeonia cultivars and hybrid identification based on sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) analysis. Hereditas, 145: 38-47
Jia N, Shu QY, Wang LS*, Liu ZA, Ren HX, Xu YJ, Tian DK, Tilt KM. 2008. Identification and Characterization of anthocyanins by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry in herbaceous peony species. Journal of the American Society for Horticulture Science, 133: 418-426
Jia N, Shu QY, Wang LS*, Du H, Xu YJ, Liu ZA. 2008. Analysis of petal anthocyanins to investigate coloration mechanism in herbaceous peony cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae, 117: 167-173
Zhang J, Wang LS*, Gao JM, Shu QY, Li CH, Yao J, Hao Q, Zhang JJ. 2008. Determination of anthocyanins and exploration of relationship between their composition and petal coloration in Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia hybrid). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 50: 581-588
李崇晖,王亮生*,舒庆艳,徐彦军,张洁. 2008. 迎红杜鹃花色素组成及花色在开花过程中的变化. 园艺学报, 35(7): 1023-1030
郝青,刘政安*,舒庆艳,王亮生,陈富飞. 2008. 中国首例芍药牡丹远缘杂交种的发现及鉴定. 园艺学报, 35(6): 853-858
Jiang Z, Liu ZA*, Wang LS, Shu QY. 2007. Relationship between the types of flower-bud differentiation and forcing successive secondary flowering of tree peony. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 34: 683-687
Han XY, Wang LS, Liu ZA, De Riek J, Shu QY*. 2008. Characterization of sequence-related amplified polymorphism marker analysis of tree peony bud sports. Scientia Horticulturae, 115: 261-267
Zhang JJ, Wang LS*, Shu QY, Liu ZA, Li CH, Zhang J, Wei X, Tian D. 2007. Comparison of anthocyanins in non-blotches and blotches of the petals of Xibei tree peony. Scientia Horticulturae, 114: 104-111
王亮生,刘政安,舒庆艳,韩小燕,李崇晖,肖红强. 2006. 芍药引种栽培试验研究初报. 中国植物学会植物园分会2006年学术会议论文集, 9: 181-185
刘政安,王亮生,舒庆艳,王志丰,韩小燕,姜 卓. 2005. 牡丹引种栽培研究初报. 中国植物学会植物园分会2006年学术会议论文集, 9: 176-180
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王亮生、张晶晶、舒庆艳. 牡丹的一种DNA指纹图谱及其获取方法与专用引物(ZL200910077931.0)
Wang Liangsheng, Du Hui, Shu Qingyan. Novel protein and gene related to flavonoid O-methyltransferase (FOMT) and their uses therefore(欧洲专利局专利号2992006;日本特许厅(专利局)特许第6296465号)
任红旭、胡会霞、舒庆艳. 黑果枸杞遗传转化体系建立的方法及其应用(ZL201510017117.5)
舒庆艳、王亮生、朱瑾. 鉴定牡丹类黄酮糖基转移酶基因的VIGS沉默体系(ZL201710607382.8)
舒庆艳、朱瑾、刘政安、王亮生. 牡丹PsMYB12转录因子及其编码基因与应用(ZL201711479630.1)
刘政安、赵素珍、舒庆艳. 一种用于油用牡丹繁殖的培养基及方法(ZL201910627011.5)
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