主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划子课题、农业部转基因专项子课题等科研项目,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、科技部国际合作项目等项目研究工作。发表学术论文60余篇,累计引用2300余次,其中以第一或通讯作者(含共同)在New Phytologist、Engineering、Plant Physiology、Food Chemistry等学术刊物发表论文35篇,获得国家授权发明专利10项,参与编撰中英文论著5部,制订内蒙古自治区地方标准1项、塔吉克斯坦农产品贮藏保鲜技术规程3项,获得省部级奖励3项。国际园艺学会(ISHS)会员,兼任BMC Plant Biology、Frontier in Plant Science等主流期刊编委,为New Phytologist、Plant Physiology、Food Chemistry等学术期刊审稿。
1. 果实品质形成与维持的生物学基础:研究果实品质调控因子的功能,解析果实品质形成及保持的分子机制。
2. 园艺作物与病原真菌互作的分子机制:以番茄等模式及特色园艺作物为材料,揭示调控园艺作物与病原真菌相互作用的分子细胞学机制。
3. 果蔬防病保鲜技术研发与推广应用。
1. Ji DC, Liu W, Jiang LB, Chen T*. 2023. Cuticles and postharvest life of fruits: a rigid cover for aerial epidermis or a multifaceted guard of freshness? Food Chemistry, 411, 135484.
2. Chen DG#, Chen T#, Chen Y#, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Tian SP*. 2023. Bio-source substances against postharvest diseases of fruits: Mechanisms, applications and perspectives. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 198, 112240.
3. Duan ZK#, Liu W#, Li KW, Duan WW, Zhu SW, Xing JJ*, Chen T*, Luo XM*. 2022. Regulation of immune complex formation and signaling by FERONIA, a busy goddess in plant-microbe interaction. Molecular Plant Pathology, 23: 1695–1700.
4. Xing JJ*, Ji DC, Duan ZK, Chen T*, Luo XM*. 2022. Spatiotemporal dynamics of FERONIA reveal alternative endocytic pathways in response to flg22 elicitor stimuli. New Phytologist, 235: 518–532.
5. Liu W, Liu K, Chen D, Zhang Z, Li B, El-Mogy MM, Tian S, Chen T*. 2022. Solanum lycopersicum, a model plant for the studies in developmental biology, stress biology and food science. Foods, 11: 2402.
6. Xu XD#, Chen Y#, Li BQ, Zhang ZQ, Qin GZ, Chen T*, Tian SP*. 2022. Molecular mechanisms underlying multi-level defense responses of horticultural crops to fungal pathogens. Horticulture Research, 9: uhac066.
7. Cui XM#, Ma DY#, Liu XY, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2021. Magnolol inhibits gray mold on postharvest fruit by inducing autophagic activity of Botrytis cinerea. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 180: 111596.
8. Liu XY#, Cui XM#, Ji DC, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2021. Luteolin-induced activation of the phenylpropanoid metabolic pathway contributes to quality maintenance and disease resistance of sweet cherry. Food Chemistry, 342: 128309.
9. Chen T, Ji DC, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2021. Advances and strategies for controlling the quality and safety of postharvest fruit. Engineering, 7: 1177-1184.
10. Zhang ZQ#, Chen T#, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2021. Molecular mechanism of pathogenesis of postharvest pathogenic fungi and control strategy in fruits: progress and prospect. Molecular Horticulture, 1: 2.
11. Chen T#, Qin GZ#, Tian SP*. 2020. Regulatory network of fruit ripening: current understandings and future challenges. New Phytologist, 228: 1219–1226.
12. Ji DC, Cui XM, Qin GZ, Chen T*, Tian SP*. 2020. SlFERL interacts with S-adenosylmethionine synthetase to regulate fruit ripening. Plant Physiology, 184: 2168–2181.
13. Cai JH#, Chen T#, Wang Y, Qin GZ, Tian SP*. 2020. SlREM1 triggers cell death by activating an oxidative burst and other regulators. Plant Physiology, 183: 717–732.
14. Liu XY, Li JK, Cui XM, Ji DC, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2020. Exogenous bamboo pyroligneous acid improves antioxidant capacity and primes defense responses of harvested apple fruit. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 134: 110191.
15. Liu XY, Ji DC, Cui XM, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2020. p-Coumaric acid induces antioxidant capacity and defense responses of sweet cherry fruit to fungal pathogens. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 169: 111297.
16. Ma DY, Ji DC, Liu JL, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2020. Efficacy of methyl thujate in inhibiting Penicillium expansum growth and possible mechanism involved. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 161: 111070.
17. Ma DY, Cui XM, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Xu Y, Tian SP, Chen T*. 2020. Honokiol suppresses mycelial growth and reduces virulence of Botrytis cinerea by inducing autophagic activities and apoptosis. Food Microbiology, 88: 103411.
18. Ma DY, Ji DC, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Xu Y, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2019. Efficacy of rapamycin in modulating autophagic activity of Botrytis cinerea for controlling gray mold. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 150: 158-165.
19. Chen T#, Ji DC#, Tian SP*. 2018. Variable-angle epifluorescence microscopy characterizes protein dynamics in the vicinity of plasma membrane in plant cells. BMC Plant Biology, 18: 43.
20. Ji DC#, Chen T#, Ma DY, Liu JL, Xu Y, Tian SP*. 2018. Inhibitory effects of methyl thujate on mycelial growth of Botrytis cinerea and possible mechanisms of action. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 142: 46-54.
21. Ma DY, Xu Y, Zhang ZQ, Li BQ, Chen T*, Tian SP. 2018. Efficacy of ABA-mimicking ligands in controlling water loss and maintaining antioxidative capacity of Spinacia oleracea. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66: 13397-13404.